Chapter seven

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Macy's POV

"Hey Gerard!" I said opening the door tiredly, he looked at me weirdly before bursted out of laughter

"Look at your hair!" He exclaimed laughing, I scrunched my face in disgust before fixing them, he laughed more rolling his eyes, he closed the door behind him and we sat with the others

"So why does my sister look like a hot mess?" He asked raising an eyebrow.. Everyone pointed at Bruna and mesut, they looked at Gerard with an innocent smile on their face

"I was teaching her some karate!" Bruna defended her self and mesut nodded

"So what were you doing back at the hotel?" Shakira asked him

"Well.. I called the police and they said that they have every police in the city looking for him so there is nothing to be worried about.." He said smiling reassuringly.. I stood up pulling him into a bone crushing hug

"Thank you so much.." I mumbled against his chest

"No problem sis!" He chuckled, I pulled back and went to the couch between Thomas and Bruna

"So what now?" Mandy asked

"They said that she shouldn't go outside the house alone.. So whenever you have to go outside the house make sure to either have one of us.." Gerard said pointing at the others.. I nodded my head smiling..

"Okay all the boys out.. Now.." Shakira growled

"Yes ma'am..listen to the lady.." Gerard said before pulling out the rest of the guys, we all bursted out laughing after they left

"You go girl!" Bruna yelled, shakira grinned running a hand through her hair

"Okay so what now.. Let's go to a club!" Audrey yelled, everyone nodded their head excitedly

"Yeah let's go!!" Mandy said

"I'm not sure.." I said nervously..

"Awe cmon! Don't be a party pooper!" Bruna pouted

"Yes please!! Cmon!!" Audrey begged

I hesitated for a moment but agreed.. Because they were giving me the puppy dog face and let me tell you.. Bruna's puppy dog face is so cute you just can't say no

"Okay fine.." I said sighing

"YAY! Okay we'll be going back to the hotel to prepare ourselves while you call Selena and prepare yourself too.." Bruna said and pulled shakira out of the penthouse

"Okay I'm going upstairs to dress up.." Mandy said going upstairs and Audrey followed her a minute later

I dialed Selena's number and she answered on the second ring

"Hey mace!" Selena said in her usual cheery tone

"Hey Selena! Us girls are going to a club tonight.. Wanna come?" I asked her

"Hell ya baby! Oscar I'm going out on a girls night to a club!" Selena yelled

"Okay mi amor.. Please be careful.." I heard a faint voice behind which I'm guessing its oscar's

"I'll see you later!" She said then hung up, I sat on the couch sighing

I don't know why.. But I feel something bad is going to happen tonight..


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for short chapter..
It's just it's 10:30 pm and I have school tomorrow
First day of grade 8.. IM SUPER NERVOUS!
I know I know it's only grade 8.. But I'm younger then everyone!! Because I skipped grade three for being 'too smart..' So I'm suppppper nervous!
Wish me luck!
And updates aren't going to be everyday.. But I'll TRY MY BEST to update tomorrow.. Okay?

Love you guys!!!

-Tala xoxo

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