Anika looked at him as she knew he was already staring at her.

They shared an eyelock which was broken by a sound of falling spoon. They looked at each other awkwardly and Anika immediately stood at a distance.

Shivaay sipped his espresso and frowns. He looks towards Anika.

S- Which idiot asked you to add sugar in my espresso?

Anika frowns but controls her irritation.

A- I am sorry sir. I'll get you another one.

Anika took his mug and came back with another one.

She handed him the mug. Shivaay sipped his espresso and no doubt, he fell in love with the taste but a mischievous idea striked his brain.

S- What is this? So much amount of coffee powder? Can't you make a proper mug of coffee?

Anika glares at him angrily. She took his mug and came back with another mug. Shivaay smirks at her.

S- This coffee is so cold. I think you should serve cold drinks instead of coffee.

Shivaay said sarcastically. Anika was fuming in anger.

A- Mr. Oberoi, I think you like cold drinks more than coffee that's why you are getting taste of cold drink in coffee also.

Now it was Shivaay's turn to fume in anger.

S- YOU.....

One of his business associate stopped him.

B- Let it be Mr. Oberoi. Let's finish our meeting first. It's getting late.

Shivaay nods his head and gives a last angry glare to Anika but Anika smirks at him in return.

After the meeting was finished, all the business associates left except Shivaay.

Anika was near the cash counter when Shivaay went and stood in front of her. Anika avoided looking at him.

S- So you work here also?

A- I think its none of your concern that where I work.

S- Of course it's my concern, after all you have to count your days in this job as well.

A- I don't understand one thing, why are you just messing around with me?

S- Because you have to pay for your deeds. And you will pay it bad because nobody ever messes with Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

A- Oh Mr. S.......

Anika was about to continue when suddenly her phone started ringing and it was Chanda's call. Anika immediately answered the call.

A- Hello.

C- Anika..... Anika you have to come to lifeline hospital ASAP. I don't know how Sahil threw up and then he fell unconscious. Anika please come soon.

A- What?

Anika was hell worried by now.

A- I am coming.

Anika immediately disconnected the call and tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

Shivaay was confused with her behavior.

A- Oh God! Please keep him safe.

She prayed to God. When Shivaay heard 'him' from her mouth, something stirred in his heart.

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