Preface and Disclaimer

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As always, I begin this piece of writing by stating the same things that I have done in other failed and incomplete expeditions of mine. This is a work of fiction that is highly unlikely to reach the eyes of many other than a few friends and colleagues; many of whom reluctantly succumb to my powers of persuasion. That being said, even the most casual of writers like myself harbors a wish in his heart of hearts that his manuscript reaches the farthest corners of every bookstore in the universe and adapted into a movie by Quentin Tarantino or Anurag Kashyap. A distant dream as it may be; I shall immediately commence making a list of all the ridiculously expensive things that I'll purchase once the royalty money starts pouring in (An Ibanez Electric Guitar comes to mind).

Jokes apart (well, not completely), I would like to reiterate that this is a work of fiction and shall delve into some topics that society considers 'sensitive' – though I don't approve. Characters and organizations in this book, though fictional, will bear uncanny resemblances to entities that do exist in the material universe and I will state at the onset that it really isn't that uncanny; because I have used aforementioned real entities to draw inspiration for my own fictional; albeit exaggerated ones.

As much as I try, some of my personal biases will seep through my fingers to the pages of this book and for that, I apologize sincerely. I merely wish that you think rationally and logically and try to ascertain accurate information and facts for yourself, because this book definitely does not wish to serve that purpose. In fact, if I were to describe the aim of this book, it would be to expose you to such ridiculous situations that you become so skeptical of the things you read that you double check things for yourself instead of blindly believing them.

In conclusion, do not treat this disclaimer like the terms and conditions of a software that you are installing because it of paramount importance for you to understand the purpose of this book and not put it down half way to sue me in court or send me death threats (I am more afraid of the former as I can afford death but not a lawyer). So proceed dear reader, with an open mind or closed eyes.

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