Chapter 1

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"Kayla...Kayla...Kayla..." the sound of my name woke me from my deep slumber. "Yes, mom?" I responded with sleep evident in my voice.

"Kayla if you don't get up your going to be late for school" she pestered.

I hated school with a passion and it's not that I wasn't good at it... I mean I'm a straight "A" student, top of my class, my teachers love me, and I was very active academically. My issue was the kids, to be more specific Jacky. Jacqueline Joust and her gang of followers, I swore it was her goal to make my life a living hell.

"Mom let's just think about this, I go to school for more than half of the year, I stay home one day" I pleaded.

"McKayla Giselle Hamilton I will not repeat myself, GET UP!" and with that being said to hell I go.

Now Thurgood Marshall High School was well known for their outstanding athletics program and their phenomenal band. Thurgood had other great programs, but sports was what stuck out the most. As I entered the huge school taking up most of the block I could see Jacky and her goons coming my way.

"Kayla Ham is that you? I swear you get a little fatter every time you enter these hallways it's like the floors seem to shake when you walk through" she insulted.

Jacky was 5'6", long wavy brunette hair, sun-kissed golden skin and you can tell from her body she has cheered her whole life. She was basically every high school boy dream and every self-conscious teenage girl's nightmare.
"Jacky, what's your problem can't find anyone else to bother?" I weakly responded

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? Oh, wait I don't care!".

"Back off before you end up like the last cheer captain" my best friend inserted rudely.

And with that Jacky and her trolls speed off like roaches.
"Thank you so much girl I was drowning there" I admitted honestly

"yeah I can see, obviously she still gets to you"

"no she doesn't!" you could hear the lies coming through my teeth.

Alexis Aaliyah Scott has been my best friend since fourth grade. Lex stands 5'5", luscious golden hair with coils tighter than the ones in your bed spring, she has caramel macchiato skin, and curves that will make a Coca-Cola bottle jealous. Lex has been trying to get me to go to the football game tonight it's the last big game before the playoffs and I know it's bound to be crowded...not my scene.

"You're such a party pooper! You never want to do anything fun. All you do is keep your head in the books."

"look, Lex, I'm really not the social type it's just not my scene you can go and have fun, but I'm not interested."

"Kay you're a junior in high school, an honors student, and you're doing early admissions for college why are you not living out the rest of your high school experience? Please just come this one time who knows you might run into an eligible bachelor."

I thought to myself for a second and gave into Lex's plead and decided to join her at the game. "Won't this be fun a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders in the same area must be heaven?" I thought to myself.

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