Hadrian nodded towards Godric in thanks, and promised his family he would return soon.

Leaving the Spirit room, Hadrian headed towards the third room on his left, deciding to go down the hallways leading towards the towers last.

The third room was separated into two. The farther section, was labeled "Witches" and the section closer to the door was labeled "Wizards."

Walking into the Wizards one first, he saw a dark theme to the room, and shelves of shoes, fabric, and jewlery. Not a single finished piece of clothing was to be seen.

In the center of the room, was a stool that Hadrian guessed was for the fitting. Walking up to it, curious as to what was supposed to happen, he stood on top of the stool.

Three male goblins suddenly appeared, bowing before their ally. {Good day, King LeFay. We are the Goblins assigned to create and design the clothing for all and any events you may have or attend. Us and three other female goblins are the best designers and creators in all of our nation. We hope to meet your standards for any events you host in this extravagant home.}

One of the goblins spoke in a very elegant manor, and they all were wearing different shades of blue suits and seemed nervous dispite their confident stance.

'{Tell me, sir Goblin, what is your name? I would like to know the name if the six goblins creating our clothing.}'

{I am known as Briorok, to my left is Guzdekx, and to my right is Wrilsord. You will meet the other three goblins in the other room, as only you are allowed in both rooms.}

Hadrian nodded to the three as they were introduced, and left to greet the other three.

{Greetings, Lord LeFay. I am Alxai, Head designer in our nation. To my left is Beafelx, and to my right is Proftiess.} They bowed their heads to him as they were introduced, and Hadrian bowed back.

'{It is an honor to greet you three, Lady Alxai, Lady Beafelx, and Lady Proftiess. Your talents are well known, even in the Wizarding world. I thank you all for being here, and please send my thanks to your King as well.}'

Hadrian gave them a warm smile as they blushed at his praise, but nodded and flashed away.

(("Flashed" is going to be the Goblin form of Apparition))

The Witches room was almost exactly like the Wizard's, only instead of the dark-tone colors, it had a brighter tone.

Both rooms had 2 giant mirrors next to the door behind the stool, and opening the door directly in front of him, Hadrian found himself on the terrace in the ballroom.

Turning around, he saw that to anyone that was outside the dressing rooms, it would just look like a simple, white colored room. Hadrian, of course, knew otherwise.

The door he just walked out of was made from obsidian with gold designs. The door that led to the Wizard's dressing room was also obsidian, but with silver designs.

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