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Joyce gently pulled at El's pants and El immediately kicked out and yelled 'no'. 

"El..." Baylee sighed. She began to stand up but El gripped onto her.

"No no don't leave me!" El panicked.

"El I'm not gonna leave you. But you have to let Joyce look. If you're about to have this baby we need to figure out what we're going to do and fast." Baylee said. El sighed. Baylee got up but El got up with her. Baylee laid El on the bed than sat on it where El's head was in the criss cross of her lap. Baylee had gotten El's pants off and now Joyce was gently pulling at El's underwear. El moved her hands so that she was gripping on Baylee's forearms. Baylee gave her a peck on the forehead to give her some reassurance. 

"Spread your legs out big honey." Joyce said and gently pressed on El's inner thighs. El did with a small whine.

"Scared." El whined and closed her legs and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"Honey..." Joyce sighed. Baylee hugged her.

"I know... I know you are El but you are so much stronger than you know babe." Baylee whispered.

"Will you stay with me through all of this?" El whispered crying a little.

"El I wouldn't leave your side for anyone or anything." Baylee whispered back. 

El put her legs back out and Joyce checked her out. 

"The baby is definitely in position..." Joyce said. Joyce pushed on El a little and El whined.

"Alright, I would make a plan." Joyce said. Baylee nodded and got El's clothes back on. 

"What if you got an operation?" Baylee recommended.

"No. I can't see and I want to be awake when the baby is born you know that." El said.

Joyce left the room.

"Alright El what are we doing?" Baylee asked. El hugged onto her and Baylee hugged her back.

"I- I don't know-" El shook.

"Hospital or home?" Baylee said.

"Home." El said.

"Pool or bed?" Baylee asked.

"What do you mean pool?" El asked.

"You can give birth in a little tub like float pool thing with water in it." Baylee said. Joyce came in.

"Hey Mrs. Byers can you explain a water birth because I dunno how." Baylee said.

"I'm assuming you guys are staying home?" Joyce said.

"Yeah." Baylee said.

"Alright well I think she'd do better with a water birth because she can have you in there with her and you can be there with her the entire time. That and water births tend to be more calm and the water will probably help the baby slip out a little easier." Joyce said.

"What'd you think?" Baylee asked El.

"Sounds good." El nodded.

"Alright I'll get a team and we can get right on it." Joyce said. She left and Hopper came in.

"Hey sweetie." He said and sat on the bed. El was wrapped around Baylee. Hopper gently took her hand. 

"Hey dad" El said.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? Baylee had a point, a surgery might not be bad." he said.

"No. No surgeries. I want to be there when the baby is out. You don't understand what it's like." El said.

"Alright sweetie. Good luck." Hopper sighed.

"Thanks dad." El said.

"You're staying with her right?" He asked Baylee.

"Yes sir." Baylee said.

"Alright then. You're safe so I'm going to go out for a little bit than stay downstairs." he said. They all said bye than he left. Baylee gently rubbed El's belly.

"You've got this." Baylee said. El felt her than sat up and they kissed than El rested her head under Baylee's chin and laid on her. Baylee laid to help El out and El fell asleep. Joyce came in an hour later with some other ladies.

"Oh good she's resting." Joyce smiled. They brought a pool in and Baylee told them where the nearest faucet was so they could fill it when ready.

"Alright, we'll put warm water in than put a heater outside a ways to keep it generating warmth." Joyce said.

"Ok." Baylee said. 

They set up the tub and had it ready to go. El was still asleep and no one was about to wake her. She needed the rest before she could really get going into labor. 

El groaned awake.

"Morning sleepy head." Baylee said. El leaned her head up and then got up a little and found Baylee's lips to give her a peck on the lips. 

"I gotta pee." El said. 

"Ok here let me hop up and get you there." Baylee said. She hopped up and El reached her arms out. Baylee leaned so that her head was there and El wrapped her arms around Baylee's neck and Baylee scooped her up. 

On The Day We Fell In Love (Stranger Things Eleven Gay)Where stories live. Discover now