One-They Find Out

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It's been a couple eons since Daddy took me in. I don't regret going to his au, and I don't think I ever would. My existence was pretty much pointless before I met him. Anyways, I was currently in OuterTale. I was sitting against a rock, which was actually very comfortable, with a blanket covering my lower half and I had a backpack next to me while I was knitting a new jacket. I tensed when a portal opened nearby. I looked up at it and watched, magic ready to form a Gaster Blaster. I relaxed a moment later when a colorful skeleton walked out, the portal closing behind him. "FrEsH? WhAt'S wRoNg? YoUr UsUaLlY a LoT mOrE cHeErFuL." I asked him softly, slightly startling him. He spun around to face me, I saw that his sunglasses had the words 'C-can I cuddle w-with you?' I can tell that those words are from his soul not his mind. "I-it's nothin', bro. I'll leave you alone and go somewhere else. Just like everyone else wants me to do." He said sadly with a slight tremble. I sighed and shook my head, sending my blue strings to gently wrap around him and gently pull him towards me. I set him down next to me and made my strings disappear. I took his sunglasses off and flipped them around so he could read them. He looked up at me afterwards with a look of half hope and half doubt. "Y-you don't have to. I don't really matter much to anyone. N-no one wants to help me at all with my emotions and everyone sees me as a parasite that needs to be e-e-exterminated." He started saying before he broke down, crying. I placed his sunglasses in my bag on top of the half made jacket that I had put in there moments beforehand. I wrapped my arm around him and gently pulled him onto my lap, while putting the blanket on him. He hid his face in my shoulder while I rubbed his back. "Fresh, I don't hate you. You're my otouto, and I know that you need me, more so than before. Besides, I would give up everything just to protect you from anything. So if you ever need comfort, I'll be here for you." I told him in a gentle tone. He nodded briefly before putting his head back against my shoulder. I started softly humming a lullaby that Geno used to sing to us, to help him fall asleep. He gave a quiet purr in content as he finally fell asleep.


I smiled as I finished the jacket that I had started making earlier. I carefully folded it and set it aside, placing Fresh's sunglasses on top of it. I tensed as a portal opened a couple meters away. The Star Sanses walked out with a lot of the Sanses that they consider 'good'. Ink closed the portal behind them. I frowned and looked down at Fresh, who had shifted when my magic started to rise. I quickly calmed myself, making sure that he wasn't going to wake up from something. I listened as someone came towards us. I decided to ignore them and start making Fresh a new hoddie. I felt Fresh shift so he was leaning against my chest instead of my shoulder. I pulled the blanket around him to keep him warm. I quickly made the hoddie since I was just copying the same design as the one he was currently wearing. I made sure that the colors were the exact same before I folded it and placed it on the jacket I made for myself and put his sunglasses on it. I looked up at the army of Sanses that Ink had brought. "What do you want now, Ink? Can't you see that I'm busy? Or are you just too blind to see that I ACTUALLY HATE MY JOB?!" I yelled at him, accidentally waking up Fresh and scaring some of the more timid Sanses. "B-bro? What's g-going on?" Fresh asked me quietly. "It's nothing, otouto. You can go back to sleep." I told him softly. He looked up at me with a smile before he spotted the hoddie I made him. "D-did you make that for me?" He asked me shyly. I smiled at him and nodded. He gave me a bright smile before he took his old one off and put the new one on, purring quietly in happiness. I purred quietly in response and wrapped an arm around him, letting him cuddle into my chest. I looked up when Ink growled to get my attention. Dream took a step forward. "Fresh, we came to rescue you. You're safe now. Let him go, you monster." Dream said. The voices from the Anti-Void started echoing that one word. Ink's army of Sanses started to look around, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from. I flinched and quickly covered where my ears would be if I had any, desperately trying to block them out. Fresh quickly hugged me and let his magic try it's best to get rid of the voices. That was when a hand placed itself on my skull, surrounding me with the magic of someone very familiar. I gasped and quickly looked behind me as tears formed in my eye sockets. "D-Dad? You're back." I said quietly as he hugged me and held me close. Fresh had slid off my lap after I had turned around. His presence caused the voices to instantly stop. "I'm sorry for leaving you for so long, little one. I was doing a mission for Yamamoto." He said softly as he rubbed my skull. I purred and smiled up at him. "It's okay, I still love you, Daddy." I told him. He smiled at me. "I love you too, my precious child." He said with so much love and affection that I could practically feel it.

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