A cyclops tries to marry me?

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"We have to cross this bridge?" I ask looking at the unstable bridge "Oh no! That's where he keeps the vicious sheep but I have a plan..." Annabeth says

"You have got to be kidding me!" I shout from underneath a sheep "It's your only way in now hush he's gathering them!" Annabeth scolds putting on her cap "She is so gonna get it for this" I mumble trying to ignore the strong smell "Only for you Grover" I growl hanging tighter to the tufts of wool. I took my hair and kept it in my mouth to keep it from hanging loose we enter the cave and I look frantically for Grover. I find.... Clarisse has been tied to a wall hanging rather high up. If they drop it could be deadly I let go of the wool only to be dropped on my back "Oh Gods" I moan holding to my back painfully "Percy!" I whisper "Here c'mon" he says heading to a wall of rock "Climb" he instructs "You go first" I say "What?" he asks "Uh hello wearing a toga!" I remind him "Right" he says starting to climb I follow close bhind and once he reaches the top he helps me up onto the small ledge "Hold on" he says outreaching his hand I grab it and we start to walk our backs scraping against the rock painfully. "Clarisse!" I hiss she looks around stupidly I crouch down to my knees to get closer "Up!" I groan "Tori?" she ask "Jackson? I thought..." She started "Look we're getting you outta here where's Grover?" I ask "Over there Mr. Desperate to get married figured him out" She informs "It's no use" she says to Percy trying to raip the rope with a sword "Not with that" I mutter snapping my braclet "You go over here!" Polyphemus commands throwing Grover into the cave we were in "With other goat friend!" he adds "I'm no goat I'm a girl you idiot!" Clarisse growls "Girl?" The cyclops ponders "Yes girl!" Clarisse mumbles "Wedding back on! And you will be the main course" he says pointing a giant finger at Grover "Where's Annabeth" I whisper looking over the edge to look for any sign of Annabeth when I slipped and started to fall over the edge but Percy quickly grabbed onto my hand making me dangle "Percy! Don't let go!" I shout "I'm never letting go!" he shouts back "More intruders! What are you!" The cyclops bellows "I..." I started then changed my voice into a horrible guy impression "I am Victoria a total dude right...bro?" I said stupidly "You are no boy you are a girl a pretty one" he adds "Hey!" Clarisse shouts "Change of more plans i will marry you!" I looked up at Percy who's face was red from holding my weight and was trying to cut Clarisse ropes "Clarisse hold on to my wrist the rop is almost cut" Percy instructs his voice strained she nods and grabs to his wrist "Don't let go you guys!" he shouts pulling us up "Boy bring back my bride!" I look at Percy "Go!" he shouts I had no shoes, a toga to my knees, and my hair in the natural curly form cascading to my mid-back I bet I was the ugliest girl on the planet right now.


She's the most attractive girl in the universe! She looked

so...well I dunno just really good. "Go climb down!" I shout she turns around her hair whipping in her face and runs and hugs me "Go!" I shout again she nods stepping down after Clarisse I watch Grover pick her up and hug her tightly I can't help but be jealous I climbed down after them all and we started watching Polyphemus argue with invisible Annabeth "Nobody come out!" Polyphemus shouted chucking a boulder it he missed hitting Victoria and knocking her to the ground "Tori!" Grover shouted dropping to his knees she shook her head gripping her stomach where the rock hit her she started to cough up blood and I panicked I drew my sword "Clarisse carry her Nobody lets go!" I commanded Annbeth took off her hat and ran alongside with us Victoria's limp body in Clarisse's strong arms "The Fleece how do we get it?" Annabeth asks as we come across the bridge the vicious demon sheep across "Percy!" Grover shouted I whipped around and foun Polyphemus about to throw a boulder at us I glanced at Victoria slowly dying in Clarisse's arms I shut my eyes awaiting the same fate as her but the impact never came "Leave my friends alone!" A familiar voice shouts I open my eyes and see none other than Tyson the boulder now in his hands "Tyson!" I shout he turns around shoots me a big, yellow, crooked grin.

-2- Kissing Sunshine *Percy Jackson*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang