10: Moving Forward

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Two Months Later:

After that night Andrew Sr. began to make an effort to get along with Jamie. This made Grace happy, she finally began to feel like she could have both her family and the man that she loved be in the same room without things being awkward. Especially since the holidays were just around the corner. She could tell that Jamie had something up his sleeve, but she had no idea what. They had had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Jamie's family on the day and then spent the evening with Grace's family. Both families were okay with the arrangement and both families decided to throw a tree trimming party at the Reagan house for the week after Thanksgiving. On the morning of the party, Jamie decided that he was going to bring some of the decorations over to Frank and Henry's early so that he could talk to his grandpa about something he was planning for Grace.

"Grandpa, you here?" he called as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah Jamie, I'm here, what did you want to talk to me about?" Henry wondered as he poured a cup of coffee for himself and his grandson.

"I need a plan." He told Henry. Henry smiled and nodded.

Soon enough Grace showed up with her family and the rest of the Reagan clan filled the house with laughter and joy. They all gathered around the table and said Grace.

"So, are we ready for the tree decorating?" Frank asked everyone, taking a bite of his ham.

"Well I am. Who should place the star on the tree?" Danny asked.

"How about Grace?" Henry suggested. "Welcoming her and her family to our family."

Grace looked up in shock. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Linda did it and so did Jack. It's tradition." Frank smiled.

"Ok. Thank you."

"So how are you feeling Jamie? All healed?" Andy asked him.

"I have scars but I'm great. Back on duty next week." He replied, sipping his wine.

"That's good. Grace?"

"I'm good. I officially moved in with Jamie a month ago."

Andrew, Grace's Dad, smiled and raised his glass. "To family."

"To family!" Everyone cheered.

"Let's go decorate." Sean and Jack said in excitement.

"Boys, finish your dinner first, there will be plenty of time for decorating afterwards." Henry said as he winked at Jamie.

After the scare with Ryland, and Grace agreeing to move in with him, Jamie decided that he wanted to make the living arrangement permanent and ask Grace to marry him. He had asked if Henry would be okay if he gave Grace his grandmother's engagement ring since he couldn't stand the thought of giving her the ring that he had given Sydney when he proposed that had been his mom's. Henry had been thrilled with the idea and even said that Betty would have loved Grace and would have wanted her to have her ring.

Grace noticed the wink, but chose to let it go because Jamie looked so happy.

Jamie meanwhile was thinking about the afternoon when he asked her parents for their blessing to marry their daughter. He couldn't believe that it had been only a couple of days.

Jamie chewed on his nails as the ring burned in his pocket. He sat outside of Grace's parents house getting the courage to knock on the door. He sighed before opening the car door and closing it. He walked up to the door and hesitated before knocking.

Laura smiled as she saw Jamie. Then she noticed his face before frowning. "Is grace okay?"

"Yeah, I was hoping to speak to you and your husband." Laura nodded before letting him inside.

"Are you guys ok?" Jamie nodded. "Andrew! Come out here please!"

Andrew walked out of his office before shaking Jamie's hand. "What's going on?"

"Can we sit? I need to ask you something." He asked Andrew.

Jamie, Laura and Andrew sat down at the kitchen table. Jamie pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it to show Grace's parents his grandmothers ring.

"I wanted to talk to you about asking Grace to marry me. I know Grace values your opinion and it would mean a lot to know that I have your blessing." Jamie said.

"Jamie, I know how much you love Grace and more importantly, how much she loves you. You never once asked for our approval or permission for that. That is the reason that I think you are the perfect person for our daughter. Grace has always been the dutiful daughter who put everyone else first, and it's nice to know that she has someone to take care of her for a change. You don't need my blessing, but you have it." Laura smiled as she looked at her husband.

"Laura's right Jamie. You never asked for our approval to be with Grace and you loved her despite the fact that I objected to you being a cop in the beginning." Andrew said.

"Thank you sir. I'm planning to ask her to marry me at the party Friday night. I'm hoping that you both will be there when I do." he said.

"Of course we'll be there. I can't think of a more perfect way to celebrate." Andrew smiled and shook Jamie's hand.

After everyone finished their dinner, they all went into the living room to decorate the tree. Everyone talked and shared stories about when the kids were little and Grace's family shared their own stories. soon it was time for Grace to put the star on the tree. Danny got out the step ladder and Grace put the star on the tree. She heard the whole room go silent as she did it.

"How does it look?" she asked.

"Perfect." she heard Jamie say as she climbed down and turned around.

Jamie was down on one knee and Grace saw that both families were smiling.

"What?" She whispered out. Her hand flew to her mouth as tears came to her eyes.

"You are the most amazing person I've ever met. I knew that there was something special about you the night we met at Jesse and Jan's wedding. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Grace, will you be my wife?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

Grace looked up and saw all of the other ladies in the room crying, along with her dad who was tearing up. She looked down at Jamie who had a smile on his face.

"Yes." She whispered. "Yes, Yes a thousand times yes!"

Jamie stood up and placed the ring on her finger before kissing his fiancée. Erin snapped the photo and everyone clapped. The love filled the room as everyone gathered around congratulating them. Grace finally found her happily ever after. 

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