"I saw you fiddling with that broken A3S the other day and decided that this would be of better use for you."

She handed him a newly bought A5S. Luke didn't even know one existed. He glanced at it in utter disbelief before looking back at her.

"This is literally everything I could have ever wished for and more... Thank you."

She shrugged.

"It's nothing honestly. Just remember this next time you think I'm going to kill you," she joked, earning a playful eye roll from Luke.

"That being said, Tinsel visited me again last night."

"You mentioned at the breakfast table. What did he say?"

"Was he really the siren who was following me when you pulled me into the Outskirts?"

"Yes... He told you that?"

"Yeah. He even told me to ask you about it. Human blood can be used as a gateway to the towns, right? If Tinsel was already in the towns, why would he need my blood?"

"His time in the towns is only limited. Having human blood insures he can stay whenever he wants however long he wishes."

"He also told me that you were half siren."

Her eyes widened.

"Curse him," she muttered under her breath.

"It's true? We're you really at some point fully his creation?"

"Unfortunately. But I've changed, I swear."

"He told me you don't have great control over your siren side. And that while your human side may want to keep me safe, without knowing your siren side wants to kill me."

"I've been able to control it this far. I know I can hold on longer."

Luke cocked an eyebrow when he noticed her become more fidgety. Placing a hand over her own he slowly said, "I trust you, Ryujin. I trust that you have good intentions... But I also worry Tinsel might be right on this part. Maybe you should try talking to the others about it."

"I'm fine," she lied pulling her hand away from Luke's and avoiding eye contact. "I can control myself. Tinsel just wants to mess with me. He wants to see me fall. I'm the only threat he has left. He wants me to die... He-"

"Ryujin, calm down," he mentioned, noticing her tense up. "What if Tinsel just wants to help?"

"Tinsel doesn't not help! He just destroys! He destroys everything and kills whatever he can get his cold, scaly hands on. He's the bad guy, Luke, not me! Not-" she was rambling, trying to prove a point she knew she couldn't. She had felt it for months - the siren deep inside her was pushing with all her might to get out, to reveal herself. Tinsel began showing up to warn her when it slowly began to reach its peak. She still tried to hide it though. No one knew. No one could ever know. If any of the girls found out her siren side was trying to break loose, they'd kill her for sure.

Luke slid his hand back over hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm sorry," he uttered. "I think I went a little too far. I was just trying to figure things out... And possibly help you if I could. I'm sorry."

Meeting his gaze again, Ryujin saw the sincerity clothing his warm brown eyes and the apologetic smile dusted on his face, proving his words were true.

A shiver ran through her body and then all the tension and worry and anger that had filled her flushed out of her system. She combed a hand through her hair messily while a loud sigh slipped past her lips.

"Look, I know you are trying to help out but this is my problem. I admit, most of the things Tinsel told you were true but don't take everything as a fact. He was a siren built from envy and pride. It's in his blood to ruin the lives of anyone that poses as a threat. He'll do anything to make you turn against me. He'll do anything to make anyone turn against me."

"But every time I meet him, he seems so sincere..."

"He still has some goodness hidden deep inside him but when I say deep, I mean really deep down. He's still part Kingston Blue's creation after all. I know by telling you about my situation, he meant well and it was probably that side of him slipping out. But his other intentions worry me."

A comfortable silence settled between them for a moment as both of them tried to figure out what to do or say next.

Luke was the one who eventually ended it.

"He plans to kill you?"

"To be frank, I don't know what he plans to do but that's what I assume."

"You should talk to him."

"I know... And I will. Soon. Just not now. He knows my biggest concern and will use it against me if anything happens."

"Biggest concern?"

"Having the girls find out."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why wouldn't you what them to know? Can't they help you?"

"Help me? No way. Help themselves? That's more like it. No one in the Outskirts like sirens. They'd kill me for sure."

The Outskirts (ITZY Shin Ryujin)Where stories live. Discover now