Chapter 2

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It was a busy night, only because of the fame of the Seven Deadly Sins. Everyone wanted to meet the team that beat the demon Hendrickson. I hefted up the trash bag, panting slightly. Sir Meliodas looked at me with a carefree smile.

"Are you taking the trash out? Do you want me to come with?" I shook my head, flustered.

"N-no. I can handle myself." I panted a bit and lifted the cloth bag, balancing it on my arms. I staggered towards the door and stopped, realizing I couldn't open it. I turned red and buried my face in the stinking cloth.

"Actually... can you open the door?" I heard a light chuckle, and the door opened to shining moonlight. "Thank you." I muttered slowly. I felt his hand on my butt as I walked out, and I yelped.

"MELIODAS!" Hawk cried out and head butted him across the room.

"Hawk-chan!" I cried out. The bag shifted and I wobbled, trying to regain balance of the rubbish in my arms. The lip of the bag tipped towards me, and I closed my eyes and held my breath. No garbage fell on my head, and I looked up to the amused face of King tying the bag shut.

"Next time tie the bag." He chortled. I reddened and tripped out the door.

"Thank you, Sir King." He waved goodbye with a bored look on his face and proceeded to enthusiastically greet Diane. I smiled to myself, remembering Diane's confession of love as I told her my own. As I strolled along the woods, my mind went blank as I remembered the night of my confession of love to Sir Meliodas. No one with the respect and power to the caliber of Sir Meliodas would ever consider me as a lover. I was weak, pathetic, naïve, the list went on and on. Compared to his abilities and his moral compass, I was a small island on a vast sea. I didn't get to have love, not just any love, but Sir Meliodas' love. Why would he waste his time on a being such as myself? Who could barely take care of simple functions such as bringing food to a table? It was certain he wouldn't lower his standards down to my own, given that he didn't even have the respect to stop groping me. With Diane, he had a better chance, although admittedly she was smitten with King. I was not impressive enough and lacked the adequacy to rival his profound strength. The sheer goodness that existed inside him was my internal draw to his mysterious inner soul. I felt my heart begin to ache with pathetic twinges of feelings not returned. I sighed sadly before setting down the bag and taking out my shovel, ready to bury the garbage. My neck prickled with raised hairs. I turned around quickly, holding my shovel to my chest and stood up. Emerald eyes glittered from the edge of the woods. My heartbeat rose softly, adrenaline spiking. Was it him?

"Sir Meliodas, I said I could handle myself." There was no reply, but the figure remained still. I suppose he didn't hear me. I relaxed and I knelt to resume digging. Abruptly, the cloth bag was lifted up, and garbage fell down into the half-finished hole and onto me. I gave an angry huff, trying to retain my temper over the being that outclassed me in every single way.

"Sir Meliod-" I cut myself off as my indignation evolved into fear as I looked into the face of not a cheerful young blond boy, but a black-haired man with cold emerald eyes. I sucked in a breath. I stood up and turned, trying to bolt as an iron hand gripped my forearm.

"HEL-" A hand locked my jaw shut and I was hefted up. I squirmed desperately as a hand locked onto my breast. My eyes widened as a grin split the man's face, and yellow teeth came into my view.

"Hello, princess." He produced a cloth, which I knew would be tied over my head. Think, Elizabeth! I bit down on his fingers, which were sweaty and matted with dirt. He cried out in pain before swinging his malicious gaze towards me. I hesitated for a second, fear rocketing up my spine in painful tingles as every sense in my body screamed simultaneously to run.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I wrenched my arm free, and felt my hands erupt in droplets of light as my Goddess powers erupted out to help me. I faced my attacker, who looked at me in hate.

"Let. Me. Go." I backed away. He sneered at me, and I lost my sight of him before a fist connected with my temple and everything around me went dark. 

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