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Swagger: Did you Just give me a fucking nickname?!

Fitz: Uh no-

Swagger: Fuck off

Fitz: I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime..

Swagger: Toby?

Fitz: Oh how did you know!

Swagger: You use dots alot duh!

Fitz: Oh yeah Cam called you Swag than I stole his phone Oh shit his coming gtg-=fds-fdsgjsdkf

Swagger: Hm


Swagger: Fuck**

Fitz: Stop correcting me!

Swagger: Stop being wrong! get grammerly!

Fitz: Whatever just do what Toby said

Swagger: Hmm ok where?

Fitz: At the Park at 3PM

Swagger: OK be there at 3

Fitz and Swagger are now offline

Swagger's POV

I can't believe I'm going to hang out with Fitz! maybe his planning to bully me..OR he wants to be my friend for real! I look at my clock 2:42Pm I got up and got ready as I went to the park there I saw Fitz standing alone I walked over to him as he waved "You came.."I looked around "Are you okay?" I asked as I looked at him scared and confussed he nodded "Yep"

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