Jeongkook went silent after that, probably realising that he disrespected me. I just hoped that he noticed his attitude way sooner so that he wouldn't have to say such things at the first place.

"I really want to see it," I spoke to break their fight. I was so happy if I had to be honest even though there were lots of things running in mind regarding Melissa. But I was sad at the same time that I couldn't see the beauty of the ring like Jisoo just told me. "Leon called me though, asking if I love the ring as if I can see"

"Then? What did you say to him?"

"I said by the shape of it, I do love it. And he said-" I didn't know what was happening to me at that time, but my chest started to hurt as well as the muscles in my cheeks. "...he said Lisa chose it herself"

I couldn't hold any of my feelings anymore, so I closed my eyes, hiding my face against Jisoo's shoulder. But she shifted on her seat, holding my head as she tried to lift my face.

"Don't you hide! I want to see the blush!" She teased and I struggled not to show her my face that could probably have turned red.

Just by thinking about Melissa chose the ring for me already made me feel like it was so special. The ring was so special and was meant to be given to a special person, perhaps? Because she spent her valuable time just to go for jewellery shopping.

"Jeez, Rosé, you are definitely still in love with her!" She turned her whole body this time, causing me to release my arms around her. "Sit down here with me" I heard her tapping on the empty chair just next to her, so I decided to do what she asked me to. "Tell me, Rosé"

"Tell what?"

"All these years, you never told me what she is like?"

I finally realised that I had never been comfortable to talk about Melissa to anyone, even to Jisoo. It was because I was in a deep pain before. Even Melissa's name would ache my heart in a way I couldn't even explain.

But now, even her name already made me flutter.

"She is so kind, Jisoo"

Yes. That was the very first thing I would ever describe Melissa to anyone.

"She is like, the softest person ever even though she is tough sometimes," I began to put details in my answers. "The way she speaks is so polite and I can't forget about her manners towards me" I continued. "Even if we are already, you know, close at that time, she still greets me like it's the first time we met"

I decided to tell it in present tense as that was how I imagined Melissa would be; still the same Lisa I remember.

Jisoo didn't make any noise or interrupt me at all. It was like she was giving her full attention and time just to hear me out. So I kept on sharing my experience with Melissa to Jisoo since we had been best friends for 5 years now, but not even once I ever told her about how Melissa was like. I even got so excited in describing it, smiling the whole time.

"And this one thing, one of the gestures she makes that I really, really love"

"What is it?!"

"Whenever I call her, like in between talking, I would be like, Lisa? Like that" I explained it to Jisoo as best as I could. "She never replies me with a yes? Or a yeah? Or anything. She always responds with my name, Roseanne"

I wasn't aware of the tears that had been forming at first until the tickles poked into my attention, waiting for the perfect time to get out.

"It's like her thing to do that. I've never met anyone else who does the same"

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