02. Cheer Tryouts and Compliments

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"Okay so all of you obviously wanna be cheerleaders," Emma says as she yells at all of us girls on the bleachers waiting to tryout

"But sadly only three of you girls will make it, So do your best" she says, back to her overly excited attitude, then going behind the small foldaway table with her co-cheer captain.

She called girls to tryout in alphabetical order

"Amelia" she calls my name after six other girls. I make my way off the bleachers and towards the front of the table

"Whenever you're ready" Emma says then smiles at me, I nodded and took a deep breath trying to relax then I started my routine.

When I finished my routine I was breathing very heavily to try and catch my breath but, that didn't last long before I was tackled by the cheer squad, all of them had very excited faces

"Omg that was the best routine I've seen in my 3 years at this school" Emma shout excitedly in my face as the rest of the cheer squad happily agrees

I smile weakly at all their compliments since I'm still out of breath

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." I say honestly "but I don't think you should say such things in front of all the participants" I say pointing towards the bleachers where some of the girls were either glaring at me, smiling at me, or watching the football participants tryout for a spot on the team

"Oh yeah, my bad" she says then gets up, I stand up immediately after and go to walk back to my spot on the bleachers but Emma stops me

"Meet me in the locker room after tryouts" she says then smiles, I nod my head then go back to my seat to see a nauseas Stella

"Stells are you okay?" I ask her softly as I sit down and rub her back

"Do you know how much harder you just made tryouts for all of us?," she asks turning towards me and laughing but I could see the sadness on her face "When did you even learn those moves?" She asks curiously

"I don't know, it just came to me" I shrug causing Stella to scoff "a triple back-hand-spring plus a upsidedown scorpion doesn't just 'come to you'" she says mocking me making me laugh

"I honestly think it was a in the moment thing" I shrug as they call Stella's name "now go make the team, make me proud" I say smiling to her.

She takes a deep breath and nods then walks down the bleachers and does her routine, I feel my phone vibrate in the middle of her routine

I fish my phone out of my pocket to see that I have two new messages from him

Easton- Wow, what you did out there was amazing

Easton- Am I allowed to call you a cheerleader yet?

I laugh at his second message as I blush from the first, he never compliments me...that's a first

Amelia- I don't know yet. Am I allowed to call you a football player yet?

I type out my message and send it as soon as Stella sits down looking stressed

"What if I don't make it?" She asks me

"Then we'll still be best friends. It won't be the end of the world" I laugh at her crazy assumption

"Yeah I know but, we wouldn't get to see each other as much" she says

"As long as I see you after school everything will be fine" I say smiling at her causing her the same reaction.

"Okay here's the list of the three people who made the team," Emma starts to say silencing our conversation

"First up is Amelia Montgomery" she says with a big smile, I smile then make my way down the bleachers and stand beside her as she turns around and hands me a pair of blue and white fluffy pom poms

"Congratulations, you're officially a bulldog" she says squealing, usually I wouldn't squeal but I was so excited that I squealed too. Quickly calming down Emma called the final two girls

"And the last two cheerleaders are Emily and..." She says taking a pause then looking at me like she was trying to study my feelings then looking down and sighing "Stella" she says like it hurts her. I wonder why she's randomly acting like this.

Stella and a girl with brown hair and blue eyes runs up to Emma as she gives them their pom poms

"Congratulations, you're now a bulldog" she says smiling to them but it doesn't look as sincere as it did when she told me but I don't want to be a party pooper and make everyone sad so I just stay quiet.

"For those of you that didn't make the team, it was nice seeing you but get out please" Emma says nicely, everyone leaves and she turns towards the squad

"Okay go get them their cheer uniforms and tell them the rules then you guys can leave for the day but, practice is after school tomorrow. Don't. Be. Late." She explains to the squad then faces me and smiles

"Follow me" she says using her finger to beckon me over while she leads me towards the girls locker room

As soon as we enter the room she closes the door then leads me to a bench where she tells me to sit

"I feel this weird connection to you...that I can trust you" she says looking down at her lap, I grab her hands and use my thumb to stroke the back of them soothingly

"Of course you can" I tell her softly causing her to look me in the eyes and I gasp at all the raw emotion in them

"I need you to know that I want you as my co-head cheerleader" she says smiling weakly

"Thank you so much" I say as I hug her and she instantly hugs back, we just stay in that position and enjoy each others company.

Well we did until my phone vibrated instantly pulling us apart

"Sorry I have to check this" I say apologetically then walk a little bit in front of her so she can't read the text, I got one from Easton and Stella

I decide to open Easton's text first.

Easton- meet me behind the school after tryouts

I read the text immediately blushing. What is up with him lately.

I open Stella's text next.

Stella- Where are you? I'm in my car waiting for you.

Omg I completely forgot I was supposed to go home with her today. I immediately texted her back.

Amelia- I'm so sorry, I'll be 20 minutes top, I need to go get an assignment from a teacher.

I feel bad that I lied to her but I can't tell her that I'm about to meet her brother. She'll never forgive me.

I turn around to face a curious looking Emma

"Sorry that was Stella, I need to go. We're going to her house for a sleepover" I say then smile so she doesn't think I'm ditching her

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow," she says smiling then stands up and walks over to hug me which I obviously hug her back

"I'll go get you your uniform and we need to exchange numbers" I nod my head and give her my phone as she gives me hers.

We typed in each others numbers and programmed our name in each others phones then handed them back to each other "I'll go get your uniform" she says then walks out of the locker room leaving me to stand there awkwardly.

I get another message as I feel my phone vibrate

Stella- hurry, we need to get there before my asshole of a brother eats all the food

I laugh at the message just as Emma comes back into the room confused

"What's so funny?" She asks causing me to look up

"Nothing, it was just a meme that I saw" I say putting my phone away as she hands me my cheer uniform, I smile and take it from her while also thanking her before leaving the gym and going behind the school to find Easton.

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