Rin laughed softly and went to the fridge to get the vegetables.


While he was toping the rice with the cooked veggies, Kuro ran back into the kitchen with a band aid in his mouth. He went by Rin's leg, Rin looked down and saw him with a band aid in his mouth.

"Thanks buddy." He took the band aid. It was pink and had a cute bunny on it.

'Sorry! It's the only one I could find.'

"It's ok, it's kinda cute." Rin put the band aid on the cut on his forehead. His bangs would cover it anyways so it would be fine.

Rin packed Yukio's lunch and put his breakfast on the table. He called Yukio and told him his breakfast on the table. Rin smiled as Yukio sat.

"This again."

Rin frowned.

'How ungrateful' Kuro puffed.

Yukio ate it anyways though. He didn't question why Rin wasn't eating too. Rin sighed and went to go shower and get ready for school.


School went the same way as it always had. Except this time he wasn't late which shocked his teacher for his first period class. He got yelled at for falling asleep in class. He sat alone at a lunch, he didn't even bring a lunch. His stomach grumbled and ached, but he couldn't bring himself to eat theses days, it made him feel sick. After school he was attacked by his bullies, they beat him up, kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the face. But it was fine, he healed super fast anyways so he didn't mind. Except, this time he didn't heal quick which surprised him.

What he didn't know was that his healing powers were being put towards other parts of his body to keep it functioning with his lack of proper sleep and nourishment. His demonic heeling was too busy keeping him alive to worry about fixing his bruises and scars.

When he got to the cram school it was the same thing again, hateful glares, fearful looks, shunned. The only difference was that he was also getting shocked looks. A huge black and purple bruise had formed on the side of his face. His lip was busted and his eyes were bright red, his skin was noticeably paler which made the dark circles under his eyes stand out more prominently.

He looked at them confused for a moment before he took his regular seat at the back corner of the classroom. No one said anything to him though.

Rin quickly started to zone out as soon as the class started. He stared straight forward with a blank stare, only blinking a few times.

"n, in, Rin, RIN!" the sound of his name being called snapped him out of his trance.


"What's the answer?"

"I'm sorry can you repeat the question." He said in a flat and dead tone of voice.

"The demon wasn't even paying attention!" Bon yelled. "Why are you even here if you're not even going listen to the lesson! What's even the point of you being here! And you're a demon! You have no place being here!"

Rin just continued to stare ahead blankly.

"You're just a threat to all of our safety! If you know what's good for you, you would just go and disappear!"

"Ryuuji" Yukio said with a warning tone.

'You're a demon, you don't belong here'

Amaimon had said those exact words to him as well. Except, when he had said it, it was out of love and concern instead of out of hatred.

"I don't belong here" Rin said in a flat tone still looking ahead instead of at Bon. His words shocked everyone including Bon.

'You know, maybe Amaimon was right. I love Assiah, it's my home' he thought to himself. 'but I'm no longer welcome anymore, maybe it's time for me to find a new home. I don't know why I was scared to go before, Amaimon will be there so it will probably be fine.'

Rin finally turned towards Bon and smiled softly, a genuine smile which shocked everyone even more.

"You're right Bon." Bon's mouth opened like he was going to say something else but closed it again immediately. "Thank you."

His words hurt, but it was what he needed to knock some sense into his brain. It help him truly see that he was no longer wanted here and he should go and leave, go live a better life somewhere else. After all, he was a demon, he didn't belong in a school for exorcists. He belonged in Gehenna, away from humans, with his lover.

So since he had no business being here, he decided he should leave, he had overstayed his welcome long ago. Rin got up from his seat with a smile still on his face. He started heading towards the door.

"Wait! where do you think you're going? Class isn't over yet!" Yukio called after Rin.

Rin turned back towards Yukio. "Didn't you hear what he said? I don't belong here." And with that he walked out of the classroom, never to step foot back inside for a very very long time.


Rin had told Amaimon that he had changed his mind and that he wanted to move in with him. Amaimon was ecstatic. Or as ecstatic as Amaimon could act. He then scooped Rin up in his arms giving him a kiss on the lips.

Rin had then went to Mephisto to tell him about his decision to leave True Cross and quit attending the cram school. He was slightly caught of guard but he would be lying if he said he was surprised. He was fully aware of how poorly the others, even Yukio was treating Rin ever since the incident at camp where they all discovered his true heritage. Amaimon had also told him all about how he was trying to convince Rin to move in with him. He was also aware of the two's relationship and he approved. He knew how happy Rin made Amaimon, and Amaimon was almost never happy, except when he was eating candy that is. He was also quite surprised when he heard about their relationship. He wondered why Amaimon would choose Rin of all people. It's not that there was anything wrong with Rin, it's that before Amaimon had shown zero interest in him. He wondered why the other demon kinds for the younger demon so fascinating. When he fought Rin at the camp and lost, he had developed an obsession with him which Mephisto found amusing. He was both impressed and angry, and was determined to fight him again and win. And he did fight him again, well, except he lost again, and again, and again. But the older demon would've never guessed that the obsession would turn into a romantic one. Again, not that he cared, as long as both parties were happy.

Amaimon had asked him to take down the barriers so that he could help Rin pack. Not only did Mephisto take down the barriers, but he offered to help him pack too and even prepared a portal for their departure.

Rin quickly grabbed Kuro claiming he couldn't leave the familiar behind, Amaimon didn't really care what Rin brought with him as long as it mad him feel more happy and comfortable in his home.

Before they left Rin had begged Mephisto not to tell the others where he was going, but to tell them that he left True Cross and quit the cram school and that he didn't plan on returning anytime soon. He also asked him to tell Yukio that there was some food in the fridge. And that he had also left a book filled with recipes for all the foods that Rin liked to make. Yukio would have to cook for himself eventually if Rin was leaving. And he didn't want him to die from diabetes or malnourishment from always eating out or buying frozen meals. He didn't want that on his conscience while he was supposed to be living happily in his new home. Amaimon said that he should've just left him to starve which earned him a playful slap on the arm.

Rin waved his hand goodbye to the purple haired demon using the other to hold Amaimon's, and with that they walked through the portal ready to start their new life together.

Amaimon X RinWhere stories live. Discover now