049 X dying! reader Part 1

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(Part 1 of 2)

There I was, laying in my small uncomfortable cot, I had a severe case of yellow fever , did the foundation care? Nooooooo, they didn't care about us d-class. We were test subjects, something for SCP's to toy with.

My cellmate Adam spoke to me. "Hey Y/N, how are you doing today?" I looked towards the bulky man wearing the same scratchy d-class outfit as I was. "Still feel awful, I just hope they shoot me at this point." I said with a cough. I played with my sleeves, I was so hot and had chills, I tried pulling on them.

"Here, I got this Y/N." Adam came close to me and grabbed onto my left sleeve and ripped it off, he then grabbed the right sleeve, and with slightly more difficulty tore it away from me. "T-Thank you Adam." I whispered.

The cell door opened and I slowly sat up. "Alright, you, with the jaundice, let's go." A guard barked into the small room. I slowly sat up, shaking wildly. Adam spoke up before I could leave. "I have to go with them, they can hardly stand! They need me!" He yelled at them. "Fine. Get up, not my fault if you both die." Adam stood and came to my side, helping me stand.

(Time skip brought to you by 106 doing orange justice)

We arrived around half and hour later. "049..." Adam muttered bitterly, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Why are we here? Why bring Y/N here? To kill them?" He snapped. "No. We are going to see if SCP-049 can help them you dumbass." I saw Adam ball his hands into fists.

After a small arguement. We walked towards containment. The room was just several shades of gray. The guard grabbed Adam's shoulder. "You aren't going in." Adam spun around and his eyes glazed with fury. "WHY?!" He snarled at them. The guard didn't care. "Because we don't need to risk two deaths, simple as that." Adam huffed. "Fine, asshole."

I stumbled into 049's containment cell. It was quiet, until I coughed, feeling like I was choking. Only then did I hear footsteps coming towards me. "Hello there." 049 was around five feet away from me, their piercing
yellow eyes staring at me intently. "Good heavens, what happened to you? Why is your skin yellow?" He questioned me. I didn't say a word, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "Well?" He was still waiting. After what felt like an eternity, I responded. "I have something called jaundice, it causes the skin and whites of eyes to become yellow." I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of vertigo as the room began spinning. I fell the to ground.

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