Part 8

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I'm sry guys for making u all wait so I'm going to start the story and ya thank u guys because of u all my story has reached 2nd in sangin stories..... a big thank u for the readers but I would like if u vote the story toooo.... ok now let's stop my talking and start...

Thoughts are in brackets..
There will be a fb of the year ast but not sharmistras fb

Ragu intro , then talking about business and then dadu , dadi and dida and the family shocked face, and Arjun confused face and ragu irritated face ...

Starting from here

Dadu (omg now Wht to do where have we come and stuck ..)
Shekar: papa u here Wht r u doing u three where not at home no then how do u all know that we r here..
Dadi : we don't need to answer u .
Sharmishtra: but ma . Then dadi shows her hand )
Dadi : if I said I'm not answering for my son then it means I want answer for u tooo understand don't try to act ...
Shekar: ma Wht r u doing she is my wife why do u always find fault in her and why u hate swara...
Siddhart: ha dadi ma why do u hate sumi ma and swara why don't u talk to them lovely...
Dadi : acha shekar u don't know why I hate sharmishtra . U nicely know why I hate her becoz of her only my janki left the house and went just becoz of her...
Siddhart: dadi sumi ma didn't do anything janaki ma never loved me And papa becoz of that she left us and went don't tell anything to my sumi ma...
Dadi : see shekar becoz of u siddhart is hating his real mother if he knew the truth he will not forgive u and sharmishtra..
Siddhart: dadi ma Wht are u saying what truth dadi ma I don't understand..
Dadi : acha u trust ur sumi ma and papa na ask them Whts that truth..
Shekar : ma what r u saying..
Dadu: shekar ur mother is telling the truth now if u didn't say the truth it will definitely come out now will u say siddhart why janaki left the house and went ...
Siddhart: papa Wht is dadu saying why did janaki ma left the house speak papa why tell me ...
Then shekar starts telling the fb
Fb start
Here u can see a small siddhart around 10 years is in the room studying. Then u can see some one enters the rooom it is janaki she came to give milk for him then he will ask janaki
Sid: ma I want a baby sister u know my friends have a small sister or brother to play but I don't hv na ma ....
Janaki : don't wry soon u I will get a baby sister to play with..
Sid : really na when will u give a baby sister ma...
Then they here noise in the hall so she tells siddhart to stay in room and she goes down..
Then she will see in the entrance shekar is with a woman and that is none other than sharmishtra..
Dadi : shekar Wht did u bring this bengala here  
Shekar : na she will stay with us ma and no more talks ...
Then he takes sharmishtra for the guest room and keeps her there... then he goes to his room there janaki is there she has decorated the room to give him a surprise he will be looking stressed and then he will shout at her and leave the room then janaki would cry and then she will go to the hall when she is going the guest room is on the way there she sees shekar and sharmishtra hugging each other and sharmishtra will be crying then she here's shekar saying I love u like that and janaki felt like her heart will break then she understands that she is only shekars love in college time .. then she says to Parvati that she is leaving and going then they will try to stop her but she takes a promise and dida will also be there she also will try to stop but she want she says I'm keeping siddhart and going so that he will love and protect shekar and he will get a mother's love from sharmishtra ... and then she leaves for ever ..
Fb ends
Then in present u can see siddhart is crying and telling this much happend and I hated my ma without knowing she sacrificed her love for sharmishtra gadodia becoz of u my ma left me and went and I didn't know it till now I thought my mother left me coz she hated me dadi ma where is my ma....
Dadi : now u are standing and waiting na this is  her house only and the person standing front of u is only ur baby sister ragini which u always wanted and asked ur ma .....
Siddhart: this is my sister omg my baby sister ragini . Then he will go and hug her but ragu will stay still without hugging back.he will break the hug and cupp her face and kisses her forehead and says my sister... then ragu comes to sense..then she looks at her brother ....
And the screen freezes in raginis face ........

At last wrote a long chappy about 892 words yeppy and this chapter is specialty dedicated to one of my reader u asked a long chapter hope u like it Anjaliparthasaradhy ...

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