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Chapter 761: The Wan Family

Not long after leaving the Fire World, Huang Xiaolong's group of seven reached the closest world surface that had a transmission array, transferring to another world surface.

They continued to travel by the transmission arrays until they arrived at a world surface under the Wan Family's governance. Remembering something, Huang Xiaolong stopped and said to everyone, "We'll stay for two days here in this Wan Family World and continue after that."

Of course, the Phoenix Clan Ancestor, Huang Hongtian, and the three Peng brothers had no objections.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi could roughly guess Huang Xiaolong's plan when he heard him say they were going to stay in the Wan Family World.

This world surface was the place where the Wan Family's headquarters was located!

This was the place where the the family of Wan Long, the Highgod Advancement list's first ranker, was located!

Huang Xiaolong and the others strode out from the transmission array, then inquired the location of the Wan Family's headquarters and headed straight to Wan Family City.

With Huang Xiaolong and the others' speed, half an hour later they arrived at the center of the Wan Family World, at a city called Wan Family City.

After entering the Wan Family City, Huang Xiaolong, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, and the rest came to a big restaurant named Heaven's Capital. Seating down around a table next to the window, Huang Xiaolong communicated with Wan Long through a jade slip, saying that he was currently in the Wan Family City and wanted him to come over.

Wan Long promptly replied in a respectful tone that he was rushing over that instant.

"Gentleman, what dishes and wine would you like to order?" A waiter came scurrying over to Huang Xiaolong's table, inquiring.

Everyone at the table turned to look at Huang Xiaolong. Without his permission, they dared not jump ahead and order as they liked.

"Your best wine, first bring up eight jugs. Add several of your best dishes as well." Huang Xiaolong simply said. Before the waiter could utter another word, he placed a top saint grade spirit stone on the table.

Seeing this, the waiter beamed and repeatedly bowed, his manner and tone courteous as he informed them that the wine and dishes would be served right away.

While Huang Xiaolong's group was waiting for their orders to be served, five young men walked into the restaurant, all clad in Wan Family's disciple robes. Sewn on the chest of their brocade robes was the head of a divine beast, the White Fox.

Judging from their appearances, all five of them were core disciples of the Wan Family.

The Wan Family had a Nine-Tailed White Fox ancient divine beast as guardian, hence, all the Wan Family core disciples would have the emblem of a white fox's head on their robes.

The five swaggered in with obnoxious attitudes right up to a table near the window, chasing out the other families' disciples that were occupying the table and took over.

After taking their seats, the five Wan Family core disciples shouted loudly for the waiter, ordering the best wine and dishes and demanding for theirs to be served first. If they saw that others' orders were served before theirs, they would take down the restaurant.

The waiter could only bow and repeated nodded.

At this point, tiny frowns creased the Phoenix Clan Ancestor and the several Highgod Realm masters' brows.

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