character sheet

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Character Sheet;

Full name: Jeniffer Klark Kamanya

Reason/Meaning: Jeniffer, a new name for her new self // meaning " fair one " || Kamanya was her mother's last name

Nickname(s): Giraffe lady, Jen, Jeni

Reason(s): common nicknames from friends and family

Birthdate: March 21

Zodiac: Sun Aries // Pisces cusp , Moon Capricorn

Zodiac Type: Type 1 Aries ; soft , fun, energetic , literally child


Age: 22

How old they appear: ~20

Weight: 120

Height: 5'4"

Body build: Mesomorph

Shape of face: angular / soft edges

Eye color: Hazel in sun / Dark brown at night

Glasses/Contacts: Glasses never wears them // occasional && slight squints

Skin tone: Dark neutral

Distinguishable features: Voice and hair

Hair color: Black / dark brown

Type of hair: 4a hair

Hair style: Long extensions, usually down and held back with a headband

Voice: Sweet, energetic, blunt

Physical disabilities: Torn ACL && hurts occasionally , dislocated shoulder && shoulder pains

Usual dress fashion: Thin/small shirts and shorts typically bright colored, 99.9% of the time is braless

Jewelry/Accessories: small simple pearl earrings, cartilage piercing


Good personality traits: Honest, trustworthy, loyal, determined, open to change, energetic, athletic

Bad personality traits: Stubborn, unwavering, blunt,. she can also be very self conscious, nervous of her own self worth/ability

Usual mood: Positive, upbeat, adventurous, loves to do things

Sense of humor: Innuendos, a little dark but can be light hearted, enjoys teasing and lightly making fun of her friends

Biggest dream: To have a happy big ass family

Biggest fear: Her dreams being taken away from her

Why: Jeniffer grew up with a big family, it was just a little bit of time it was all taken away from her. Jeniffer hopes to gain a happy family again

An event that would fuck get over: If Jeniffer lost any member of her family

At ease when: Sleeping, being in quiet serene places

Ill at ease when: Trapped/stuck, restricted in anyway shape && form


Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil

Logical or Emotional: Emotional

Depressed/Sad when: Thinking about family && " what if's "

Priorities: Getting shit done, going above and beyond at a 500% all the time with her tasks

Soft spot: Children, lover

Obvious: Oh yeah

Dark secret: Jeniffer hates Germany and will never forgive him for it

Life philosophy: When life gives you butterflies, prepare for wasps || A mother is always a mother

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