Your Mind Is a Curious Thing

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There was an odd buzzing over the intercom alerting the school there is an intruder. The teachers never warned us. Our class knew it was real, kids were screaming running down the hall. Mr. Williams opened the classroom door to tell them to go back into the classroom that it's just a drill. When there were two gun shots. Everybody in the classroom darted into the halls trying to leave and find a safe place. But I knew nobody was safe. We were trapped. I ran down the hallway to find my boyfriend in the gym. The hall way had lights dangling down flickering and papers everywhere. As if we were in one of those horror movies you watch on Netflix. As I walked a few more steps down the hall way. I stopped in my tracks and listened. I heard somebody. Glass crunched and the foot steps became louder and louder.

"Baby?" The voice whispers


"Oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt? What is happening? Where is everybody? Did they -" before Jake could ask another question I stopped him.

"Babe, enough questions I'm fine! We just need to get out of here!"

He shook his head and we started running. There was nobody in the hallways we were alone. Just me, Jake, and the intruders. As we were running through the school looking for help we heard somebody we cautiously walked towards the voices. But it was too late. They heard us. Jake pushed me into an empty class room kissed me and whispered "I'll do anything to protect you, I love you baby" he gave me his necklace and ran down the hall as far away from me as he could. There was a gun shot and he was gone. I choked back a scream. I started to cry. I needed to know if it was really him that got shot. I walked out of the classroom into the dark building. My heart pounding I walked in the direction Jake ran. I dropped to my knees when I saw what happened to be Jake's body. I was laying over top of him knowing this will be the last time I held him. His body was still warm. I was trembling with fear holding back a scream so I wouldn't be found. As I was holding his body I remembered the months we spent together, the perfect dates, how much he loved me and respected me, How much I really loved him and wanted to marry him. I pulled his necklace out of my pocket kissed it then hugged it close to my heart. I was getting ready to leave when there was a loud bang followed by a burning sensation in my back, followed by two more. I dropped down to the ground feeling the coldness of the ground and my body going limp. I was dying. I felt my heart beat growing slower and slower by the second. After awhile I stopped breathing and my heart stopped beating. Then I knew I was dead.

There was a loud buzzing sound and I jumped up from my desk "Alright class! Don't forget to read the rest of chapter ten and your test on the last two chapters we read is tomorrow!"

The class sighed and walked out of the classroom. I was still sitting at my desk in awe at how real that dream felt. My heart was still beating and I was sweating like crazy. The teacher told me to leave before I was late to my next class. I was in a daze for the rest of the day. Just thinking about the dream, how it felt so real. I didn't do my daily routine of waiting till the last few second to get to class, and spending time with Jake. I stayed to myself wrapped inside a hoodie. Paying attention to nobody. I was left to my thoughts, thinking to myself. "What if that was real? What if he really did die for me?" Some say that dreams are a wake up call or they warn you of you future. If any of those were true my future is fucked. To me, the mind works in mysterious ways, creating images the human eye cannot see, putting images in your mind you can not unsee, making you feel ways you have never felt before. Like the dream you have that you're falling and when you hit the ground, you wake up gasping for air. Yeah.. That's how I feel right now.

I have never been liked by many people which was always hard for for me. I'm considered a loner in my school. I'm known, but not in a good way. By the time I got home I had several messages along with several calls from Jake asking me if I was okay, what he did wrong, and where I was.

I wasn't in the mood to talk. That dream had a big affect on me. I cut my phone off and went to sleep.

As I was falling asleep, it felt like everything was happening all over again. The dream. It kept replaying in my mind over and over again. I don't understand why. I couldn't get the image of Jake's limp body out of my mind. By the time I woke up I had to get ready for school. Still shaking up the dream, I didn't get all dressed up for school. I got into Chemistry class when a familiar buzzing came over the intercom... This time, it wasn't a dream. Although I felt like I knew everything that was going to happen; the teachers all told us to hide saying it was a drill and followed by the gunshots. I ran looking for Jake, hoping I can get there before the intruder, but this time I was too late. By the time I got there he was already gone, I knew what would happen next. Then, I ran. I ran as fast as I could away from that hallway: so that dream could not become a reality. My mind is controlling everything: telling me everything that is about to happen. I ran to the front gate of the school and police were surrounding it.

"Let me out!!!"

"Nobody comes in or out of the school" the officer said it with a straight face.

"Are you stupid!! You're going to leave me in here with the people that just murdered my boyfriend!! Are you insane!?"

"Step away from the gate ma'am"

Furiously, I ran towards the woods on the outskirts of the school with tears rolling down my face. It was mid winter, so the tears were burning I couldn't stop. I couldn't feel that pain again. I found the sports storage shed a little ways down the running path. I decided to camp out there and gather my thoughts.

There was an adrenaline rush going through me before I blacked out. My thoughts were going crazy. The only thought my mind could grasp was, "Here we go again."

The fire was burning around me. All the trees were crashing down. I was alone. Nobody could hear my screams. The shed was surrounded by fire trees. There was no escaping. The metal door of the shed was too hot to touch. The smoke went into my lungs: I couldn't breathe. I dropped to the ground gasping for air. The smoke filled my lungs as I lost conscience.

When I awoke I was not alone. The were faint beeps, muffled voices; tons of voices. I could not open my eyes in fear of all the smoke. I took my hands and covered my eyes so I could open them slowly. There was nothing.... I was in a white room. I was alone. Whatever occurred at the school was not a dream. o had burns all over my body, I could not feel my legs, the pain... The pain was excruciating. I heard footsteps and slumped down a little. "Ahh you're awake." I stayed quite. "Miss?"

Was he talking to me? "Ma'am? Are you having any head trouble? Do you no where you are?" Finally I managed to get a word out.


"Why you're at the hospital, there was an accident."


" Yes an explosion at your school, you were found several yard away from it. You're lucky to be alive" I opened my eyes shocked at what I'm hearing.

"Who are you?"

"My mistake miss! You must be worried sick! I'm Doctor Johnson, I'll be helping you through your recovery."

"Oh okay. Is everybody at the school okay?"

"No. There were very few survivors"

I choked. I could barely talk. I wanted to cry. I just won't. I got a knot in my throat from holding back the tears.

"What about my parents? Are they aware?"

"The whole city is aware." My mind went blank, everything was a blur. I laid in the bed unable to move. Just thinking, imagining how something like this could happen. I choked back the tears again telling myself not to cry. That everything will be okay. Deep down inside I knew nothing was okay. My life, my world, everything knew; it is all gone. I have to make do on my own. Just start over as if being reborn.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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