A Witch Peace Feast☽19☾

Start from the beginning

"What do you suggest I do then?" Klaus asked.

"I thought this would have been obvious. Kick her out."

"Unfortunately that can't happen at the moment."

Elijah just sighed. Maybe after Klaus was done with what he needed then he'd kick her out. That was what he hoped.


Elijah stood with Diego and the rest of the Vampire Faction about the Feast of Blessings.

"You want us to go to a witch event on a bended knee and give them a gift?" Diego asked with a huff of defiance. "I'm sorry, but I just remembered. We're busy doing just about anything else that night." Diego retorted not happy with having to make the witches happy.

"Diego, this isn't a request. Your name is on that treaty. Now, if you have any difficulty whatsoever with your new-found position, I'd be more than willing to remove you." Elijah threatened the young man.

"I never thought I'd see the day. Vampires bowing down to witches," he said angrily.

"I see it as a demonstration of strength, acknowledging a lesser faction."


Elijah stood with Francesca, the Human Faction leader.

"But you're not asking, are you?" She laughed. "Oh, I see it's true what they say about you, Elijah. You make even strong-arming seem noble. Well, the tourists do read this stuff up. Can you imagine what they'd think if they suddenly found out it was all real? I take it you want me at the public show and the private party afterward?" She asked with a mischevious smile.

"That is correct."

"I'd be happy to attend." She agreed with a slight tilt to the head. "And in return, you will owe the humans a favor."


Elijah next met with Jackson, Isabel, and Oliver on behalf of the Crescent wolves.

"Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend," Elijah said.

"Thanks, but no thanks?" Isabel said sarcastically. "I really don't want to celebrate those stupid witches."

Oliver sighed. "Let's hear the man out," he said defeatedly.

"The witches are the ones that cursed our pack. And they've been nothing but crap to us since I first came to town." The blonde turned to Elijah. "No. We're not going." She spoke defiantly.

Jackson sighed as well, looking down at Isabel. "It's a new day in the Quarter, Isabel. I agree with Oliver. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball. We'll send a representative with a gift," Jackson said then looked to Elijah who nodded.

Elijah frowned as Isabel turned and walked away.

I don't want to be anywhere near that trampy red-head. Strutting around like it's an achievement to sleep with Nik.

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