Surprise Visits and Name Markings☽12☾

Start from the beginning

Isabel groaned, opening one eye to see Matt standing in front of her. The wolf girl looked around her to see Andrew gone and huffed.

"Morning sleepy head."

"I hate you." She groaned.

"I love you too. Now get up. Andrew made breakfast and I'm not waking up Rose only to get screamed at." Isabel sleepily laughed at him before getting help up with his hands. "You are a complete mess, Iz."

"'You look beautiful sister.' 'Why thank you Matt. How kind of you to say to a woman,'" Isabel said sarcastically.

Matt laughed before they entered the tiny kitchen. "Smells good man."

"My specialty," Andrew told him, throwing a rag over his shoulder as he turned to the siblings. "Omelets, carmalized bacon, and sausage."

"Now go get little Rose." Matt pushed his sister to the room that used to be for their sister Vicki but was now used for guests or Rose.

Matt set up the table as Isabel came back in and made a plate. "Are you coming with us to graduation or what?"

"I have something I need to do first but I'll be right behind you," he said as Andrew sat some food on Matt's plate. "What about you Andrew?"

"I'm going with Isabel. Knowing her if I leave her alone for five minutes she'll find herself in some trouble. And I can't have her fighting alone."

"It'd be more like I hand you Rose while I fight myself. You do know I can handle myself, right?"

Andrew nodded once. "Right."


Isabel stood with Caroline in caps and gowns while the werewolf left a message on Klaus' voicemail. "Klaus, I swear to god I'm gonna wring your neck if you don't answer. I'm gonna call you every five minutes until you get your ass here to save Damon's stupid life." She hung up.

Caroline had begged Isabel to get Klaus to come over and at first she was reluctant to do so but eventually the blonde vampire had convinced her.

"Hey, Caroline?" Isabel asked after contemplating whether she should say something or not.


"I can trust you, right? To not freak out?" The blonde vampire nodded with furrowed brows. "You can keep this secret right?"

"If it's important to you, yeah." She smiled and bit her lip. "Of course."

Isabel unzipped her gown to her lower stomach and grabbed Caroline's hand guiding it to where the baby lie.

"What are you?-" Caroline stopped as she heard something and felt the bump.

"No way." Caroline gasped her eyes shooting up to Isabel's. "Who's is it?" She asked as the werewolf dropped her hand. "It can't be Tyler's, can it?"

Isabel bit her lip nervously as she zipped up her gown. "You'd never believe it. But it's Klaus'." Caroline gaped at her. "It was just a stupid one time thing. But his werewolf side allowed it to happen. I'm kind of living with him in New Orleans."

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