Casket Girls And Surreal Sketches☽10☾

Start from the beginning

"He's turn into your errand boy." Rebekah mused as she held out the white dress she's found that was more modern and would fit. "Here's a dress I think you'd like. Maybe pair it with a light grey cardigan to cover your mark."

"Thank you," she said as she took it and headed to her room.


It was a little darker out now and the men returned with poor Tim. He was playing music that the werewolf could hear clearly from her bedroom. But when he stopped playing Isabel got worried and opened her bedroom after placing Rose in her playpen. She wore the white dress with a light grey jersey cardigan to cover her shoulders.

"Davina?" The boy asked after seeing Davina with Andrew right by her side. Isabel watched from the front of her room on the balcony with a curious expression.

"You got me here. Now let him down." The young witch demanded.

"Well, first, we have to have a little chat about you returning to the fold."

"What did I say, Klaus? I got this," Marcel said in his ear. He turned to Davina and Isabel could see the look of pure hatred on her face. "D, What happened? Why'd you run? Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right," he said calmly as he approached her.

"How, by threatening my friend?" She challenged.

"Like that would help." Andrew stated sarcastically, earning a glare from Marcel.

"Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, but I do always get results," Klaus said walking towards her. Andrew had a bag in his hand as he walked up the stairs after spotting his sire watching the scene below.

"You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really are- an animal..." She stepped forward while holding her hands out and Klaus fell to his knees yelling in pain. Marcel and Elijah move forward but she slammed them back.

"A beast."

The hybrid screamed out more and Davina's face remained unchanged. His bones broke more and more but she didn't wince.

"Why don't you show us your real face?" She moved her hand upwards which also brought Klaus's head up and his hybrid face displayed to everyone present.

"That's enough of you." She moved her hand to the left causing his neck to snap with her powers.

"Pickles and tea. Just like you like it," he said handing the girl her food.

"Thanks." She smiled up at him.

"Davina, you don't have to do this," Elijah said, hunched over on the ground.

"You-" She walked up to him slowly and continued. "You looked me in the eyes and lied to my face." He kept taking short breaths as he was stuck looking straight at her with his back arched and his knees on the ground.

"Pretended you wanted to help me." She sneered.

"Listen to me." He tried again.

"I feel for her." Andrew admitted watching the young witch get worked up.

"You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother." She squeezed her hands slowly and he began panting.

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