Chapter 1

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thoughts= '(........)'

Slowly Mae opened her eyes to see herself standing in the middle of the woods. Slightly worried of where She landed she began to walk through the endless woods that were starting to become very familiar to her '(Where have i seen this from before)' rubbing her chin thoughtfully she stopped to observe her surroundings before deciding to climb the giant tree next to her to get a better view. Looking helplessly around trying to figure out where she was, instead of paying attention she lost her footing and fell with a scream.
"AHHHHHHHH-" Her scream fell silent once a pair of strong muscular arms caught her and held her up bridal style sighing in relief she looked up only to release another scream "AHHH" Scrambling out of her savoir's arms, she looked up into the face of the character from her favourite show; Derek Hale.. '(No way)'
"What are you playing at" he growled
"Sorry i'm looking for er.." Quickly thinking she said the first thing that popped into her mind "Scott McCall.. He's my cousin" She smiled nervously, awaiting Derek's answer as he gazed at her
"I didn't know he had a cousin in town" he frowned "What's you name?" he questioned, however Mae ignore the question and acted brave
"Take me to him" she demanded before being grabbed by the chin
"I don't have time for a bratty kid" he harshly replied and Mae pushed him back
"Fuck you then you twat" she growled before walking away in a random direction '(Great my favourite Teen Wolf character hates nice)' she sarcastically thought
"Your gonna get lost" she heard him shout, Mae ignore him and carried on for about an hour until she eventually found the road. Going with her instincts she decided to follow it. Checking her phone Impatiently as the road seem to grow longer and longer; her phone still worked here, she smiled with joy, '( Atleast i wont have to buy another one)' she put away her phone as her feet grew tired. Every step her feet protested to stop, Mae happily oblige and took a seat at the edge of the road knowing that this way led to the hospital. '(someone find me)' she silently pleaded '(if i am in teen wolf and this isn't a dream what am i gonna do)' she thought dazed, waiting for half an hour to go by to see if someone other than Derek finds her; slowly her eyes began too droop before finally giving in to the darkness, alas not catching sight of two bright glowing red eyes hiding behind a tree...
"Miss are you alright" sounded a women tapping Mae's fatigued figure gently waking her. She yawned stretching her arms as she sat up blinking before taking in the women's features "phew you scared me for a minute...are you alright" staring at her Mae realised it was THEE Melissa McCall.
"Yes I'm find thanks...except" closing her eyes in order to come up with a lie quickly. Opening them again she glanced at her "i was looking for a Melissa McCall.. do you know her because i was told to come to her if anything was to happen" She said her voice sounding surprisingly calm as she voiced her lie.
"Oh..I'm Melissa McCall" she stared at Mae intensely as if trying to detect a lie while speaking again "why were you told to find me?" she questioned a spark of curiosity flashing in her eyes
"My parents were killed... i cant remember much...i hit my head and-" She looked down hoping my acting was going well keeping her heart beat steady to help keep her nerves at bay she continued "i..i have no idea what's happening or how i got here" letting a fake tear slip from her seemingly innocent chocolate brown puppy eyes. A hand was placed on her shoulder.

"You can come and stay with me for the time being" she smiled as Mae did the same she however began to feel the guilt crush her as she was pulled into a warm and comfort embrace by Melissa . Letting go she helped Mae stand up and they got in her car ready to head home. Mae thought to herself '( i'll tell her everything soon, but first i need to find out where i am in the teen wolf timeline)'
"Are you sure its right to allow stranger in to you home. I-i'm happy that you offered really but how do you know i'm not dangerous" Mae eyes slipped closed as she felt that she shouldn't burden Melissa like that

"Well you don't scream danger to me." she smiled "i feel like i was suppose to find you, weird right" she laughed " Oh my i forgot to mention aswell that i have a 16 year old son and he can be quite a handful sometimes but he won't mind you staying. His name is Scott" she rambled, Mae's lips twitched as she suppressed a giggle
"Its ok Melissa i grew up with boys" Mae smiled thinking of Jake, Riley and Luke and the memories they had before they were killed, a real tear slipped down her face; rubbing it away she turned her head slightly to view the outside as they drove along "I've always wanted to come here-" she grinned sadly as she relived her memories " Me and my friend Jake were going to live here" telling half the truth because it wasn't a lie Mae and Jake did want to live in California but after his death she stopped dreaming about it.
"It's beautiful here" Melissa said gaining her attention "Although many strange things happen too" '(don't i know it)' she silently added as a comfortable silent passed between them for the rest of the way.
*15 minutes later*
Mae stared at the house from the driveway comparing how it looked on TV to now '(Wow they done good)' She grinned but it soon faded as she glanced at Melissa who was wearing a frown
"I'm sorry" she said suddenly looking at Mae "i never got you name"
"Its Mae, Mae Jackson " she nodded and gestured Mae to follow her; obeying her command Mae followed closely behind Melissa. She was led into the house and through the door which Mae closed behind her before following Melissa as she proceed to give the Mccall house tour which wasn't long. She then led Mae to her new room. Once they got to the top of the stairs they turned left and stopped outside the first door.
"This is the guest room, well it's your room for the time being until you get some place else" nodding towards Melissa Mae moved forward and pulled her in to a hug
"Thank you so much Melissa " Mae said truely grateful for the genourosity of Melissa
"Your wel-"she started when
"OKAY" she yelled before jumping as Scott and Stiles arrived behind her saying "no need to shout mom" simultaneously making Mae laugh. Melissa shook her head before muttering "Kids". Turning to Scott she introduced Mae "Scott this is Mae she will be staying with us for a while" he nodded and with that Melissa began to make her way downstairs.
"Soooooo" Mae started until she saw Scott sniff a little, a spark mistrust shone in Scott's eyes as Mae smirked
"Who are you??" his expression fading from carefree to serious
"A girl" she deadpanned turning to her new room and walked in shutting the door on two shocked faces.
"I like her. She seems nice" She overheard Stiles say
"Yeah but there something different about her..."
"Scott we have enough going on with the Lizard creature and you have a game tomorrow which it could turn up at but wait your to busy worrying about a girl...who seems nice enough, might be an evil villian" Stiles lets out a laugh of disbelief "Scott focus on Lizard creature thing at the moment it's our main priority" he rambled quietly but Mae could still hear with her heightened senses.
"Your right.. i should give her a chance.."sounding calmer again, he looked from Mae's door to Stiles "Lets go research we need more information because" he paused "i doubt Derek will help" Scott growled out. She heard the door across from her close. Looking at the time it flashed 9PM . She yawned and decided to go bed early. She slowly undressed until she was in her red bra and batman boxers; Folding her clothes into a neat pile she placed them on the desk chair before jumping into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow...

Runaway Girl (Teen Wolf/Percy Jackson--Derek Hale LoveStory)Where stories live. Discover now