2. Cleverbot

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Lily's POV

        Summer has finally begun! I finally graduated high school and I can live in peace! It feels so nice to have the whole house to myself without that torturous man around. I can play video games, eat, sleep, and so on without the interruption or fear of him bothering me or possibly giving me pain. You have no idea what a relief this is. I feel as if I can poke my head up the clouds and smell only fresh air, air that is not polluted with anything. I can start a new and fresh life, even if I did kill someone which is just my beginning.

        It's the second week of June and I am sprawled across the bed holding my cousin's Nintendo 64. Me and my cousin were very close friends (and obviously relatives). Ben, my cousin, was really good at video games. I can remember my last visit to him where we sat on his living room couch playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. While we drove away from his house, we waved each other goodbye. His father (which is also my uncle) grabbed his wrist and led him to the back of his house. After that day, I never saw him again; he disappeared from the face of Earth.

        One year later, I got a package in the mail from his family. I opened it and found Ben's Nintendo 64 along with the game I last saw him play. Several months later, I decided to make a phone call to his family. I asked his mother if I could talk to Ben, but she said, "Who's Ben?" I decided then that maybe she doesn't want to talk about him so I never called again.

        After playing the Nintendo 64 for about 10 minutes, my laptop's black screen lit up in the corner of my eye. I sighed and dropped the Nintendo 64 on my bed. Walking towards the desk that holds my laptop, I notice that a web browser is opened up onto a website called "Cleverbot". I saw a chat box at the bottom and guessed that maybe someone wanted to chat with me. I pulled over a chair and started typing.


Me: Hello there.

?: Hi.

Me: Who is this?

?: You don't need to know.

Me: Why?

?: You shouldn't have done that.

Me: What? Did I say something wrong?

?: You're clueless...

Me: I have the right to know who you are!

?: Good-bye...

        The web browser closed itself and my laptop automatically shutdown. I pondered over what this person said. "You shouldn't have done that" played over and over in my head. It sounded so familiar. It felt as if I heard this from my best friend and cousin, Ben. I shrugged off the suspicion of a stranger trying to stalk me or whatever. Besides, I know how to be a stalker; I like to peek into people's houses. (I won't tell you how)

        I plopped onto my bed and picked up the Nintendo. I noticed that the game I was playing isn't there anymore, it is on The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Memories of Ben and me playing it flooded back. I began to sob uncontrollably and hugged my knees to my chest. Fter several minutes, the tears stopped flowing and I picked up the Nintendo. I began to play it and created a new file called "Ly". Playing it for around 30 minutes, I am challenged to defeat someone called "Skull Kid". My characte, Link, kept catching on fire and it really annoyed me. Then, those words appeared, "You shouldn't have done that". I freaked out; I dropped the Nintendo on the bed and jumped up with a really chocked expression. This is insane! I looked at the Nintendo again and Link just lied there burning. I turned off the Nintendo 64 and stuck it in a drawer near my bed. I showered then slept with nightmares of me burning to crisp.

Next Day

        Another night of trying to play Ben's Nintendo 64. I reckon it's been hacked so that may be why his family gave it to me. Who wants a hacked Nintendo? Well I'm asking the same question to myself, but my answer is to that is to keep the memories of my beloved cousin. This is my only memory of him if you're asking why I want to keep this instead of something else.

        Just as it happened yesterday, my laptop's screen opened up a browser onto the "Cleverbot" website. I sighed and set down the Nintendo 64 onto the drawer. I sat down in a chair and started a conversation.


Me: You again?

?: Why do you even care?

Me: Because you're a stranger.

?: Not anymore...

Me: What? What do you mean?

?: You will see. I shall satisfy your curiosity.

        The browser closed itself, but the laptop stayed on and didn't shut-down. The most weird thing began to happen. The laptop's screen began to slowly dim into a dark royal blue color. A black circle that seemed to swirl with bits of light gray grew from the middle of the screen. The swirling circle began to fill up the screen and a pale blue light shone in the center of the swirling mass. The pale light grew larger and it slowly turned into dark green. It grew larger until I noticed it was in the shape of a hat that looked similar to Link in "Majora's Mask". As it drew closer, I saw the pale figure of a young boy.

        I jumped back in surprise. Never have I seen such a thing on a computer. Could "Cleverbot" have been a virus? No, it can't be. The thoughts "Oh crap" ran around in my head as the boy grew larger until his features became clear. He is dressed in a green outfit that looked just like Link. The boy lied down on his belly, or float, and reached his hand out towards me through the screen.

The strangest thing happened.

Unforgotten (BEN Drowned Fanfiction) [PAUSED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें