Chapter One

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Jayleen Kiona LaDonne

Everyday I am learning from mistakes I have made in the past because it teaches me things that I wish I knew back then.

"Jayleen come on it's time to go" I snapped out of my day dream and looked up towards my boss

"O..oh yes of course let me just pack up" I sighed gathering my things noticing him staring at me making my cheeks turn a shade of pink.


"Nothing, I was just hit by your beauty once again" He smirked

"Look Natha.." He cut me off with a kiss, i didn't dare fight it because I knew I felt something for him..this wasn't the first time we had messed around with each other, actually it was the 5 month now and I told myself this morning I would stay away form him but here I am again..

"How about I take your out tomorrow night?" He asked lifting my chin up

"I'm busy Nate.." I lied

"With what Jayleen?" He asked with a bit of frustration in his voice

"Work Nate and I have my sister over tomorrow night so I can't" I rolled my eyes

"Yea sure" he rolled his eyes

"What are you tryin' to say? know what forget it, i'm leaving" I grabbed my handbag and walked out

"See you tomorrow Miss LaDonne" He spat, I ignored him and pressed down on the elevator waiting for it to open, it finally arrived and I went in seeing someone in already, I walked in holding my handbag firmly towards me. It was clearly a man coming from the 3rd floor but he had a hood on and dark cartier Frames. I got a few glances at the man seeing the tattoos on his neck, a lion. He cleared his throat as the elevator came to a stop, he got out not bothering to look back.

I need to stop staring at people, it's just rude. I got out the building going towards the parking lot, I turned my phone on looking at the time, then I looked up and bumped straight into someone, I blinked looking up at the man form the elevator.

"Shit ma, watch where you going.." He helped me up and walked off

"Ugh" I dusted myself off and unlocked my car getting in, I brought the engine to life and drove home.

Jaime Maurice Brown

Some females disrespectful as hell, the bitch ain't even apologise..shit would I even apologise, Nah I ain't that nice of a nigga anyway. She looked so familiar, probably a bitch I fucked a while back, and when I say a while back I mean two days ago. I was drunk as fuck and I needed to get home but August left with so hoe he picked up from the club we were chilling at. I pulled my phone out and called an Uber, I waited for it and began scanning my environment I wasn't gonna be in the part of La for long, I had to head back to the studio and I bet Rih was blowing up my phone by now but if I was honest I didn't give a fuck, she was irritating me.

I still couldn't get that woman out my mind, I shook the thought away and got inside the Uber

"T..Thanks" I sat back looking out the window, I pulled my phone out going to my camera roll, My eyes landed on a photo, I didn't even know I still, I was about the click the delete button but the Uber came to a stop and I turned my phone off.

"Thanks again" I got out and he drove off, I walked up to my front door and took the keys out unlocking it and seeing Rih on the couch crying.

"what's wrong now?" I sighed going into the kitchen to grab some medication because I knew I was going to have a horrible hang over in the morning.

"J..Jaime what have I done wrong?" She cried

"Nothing w..what you mean" I hiccuped putting the pill in my mouth and downing it with water

"Jaime you always come home at 1 or 2am, your latest was 4am, where have you been?" She looked up at meas I collapsed on the couch

"I got lost Rih, ok?" I looked at her

"That's your excuse?!" she shouted

"Don't raise your damn voice at me Rih" I shot her a glare

"I'm done Jaime" She got up then flashbacks of that woman in the photo replayed in my mind


"where you going?!" I shouted

"I'm done with you! All you ever do is treat me like shit Jaime and for what?!" she yelled

"So where you going, I said I'm sorry!" I got up following her

"Fuck your sorry Jaime,it doesn't mean shit because I hear it everyday, I'm going anywhere but here" She grabbed her stuff and stormed out the master bedroom dropping the framed photo of us causing it to smash.


I gasped looking at Rih, I grabbed her arm looking at her with pleading eyes. 

"No baby wait! I'll promise this time I will do things right, Please just d..don't leave me" I looked at her with hurt

"Jaime all I do is love you" she cried, I embraced her in a hug and she dropped her things hugging me back

"I'll change, i promise.." I sighed and she nodded sniffing

"Go take a shower and I'll whip something up" I smiled

"Don't blow the house up Jaime" She laughed and I smirked

"Girl you know I can cook" I playfully rolled my eyes, and began cooking, I couldn't believe I was drunk and cooking. I just have this gut feeling I can't mess this relationship up..Something is telling me that I'm missing something though even while being with Rih...I just don't feel complete..

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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