Nick Mara

357 2 0

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Thicky Nicky is awake


Nick what are you on😂😂 and what are you doing?

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Just looking how hot your ig pictures are when I

Open my phone and think how am I the luckiest

Man alive.


Your cute but im the luckiest girl in the entire galaxy.

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Your such a cutie💙❤


So are you babe.

Anyway... Can you make me pasta because I feel

Horrbible because im dealing w/ satans blood bath?

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Yea what time are you coming over and bring

A bag of clothes for the week so i can make

You your comport food.


AWWWW thanks baby also can you ask

The boys if they have a football or something bc

Im feeling very athletic today and wanna throw a

Football and can we watch disney +.

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Whatever you want to do bbgirl.

Im thinking of possibly making hot dogs and

Stuff for dinner. Are you down for that?


Yes im down. Ok i need to finish packing.

I LOVE YOU!! See you soon❤💋

Thiccolas MAra 🍑

Ok let me know when your on your way.

I LOVE YOU 2222222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💋❤💘

*End of Conversation*

prettymuch text convoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon