Austin Porter

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Porter 👩❤


Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍


Porter 👩❤

Baby are you mad at me???😟😭

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

Yes I am 😡

Porter 👩❤

Why baby?

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

You played video games and didnt even ask if I

Wanted to play with you.

Porter 👩❤

You were sleeping I didn't want to wake you.

You look cute when your asleep 💕

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

You know that if its video games its always a yes. No

Matter what even if I look "cute" when im asleep

Porter 👩❤

Is this a bad time?

Do you want to play pac man on the old

Nitendo that I just bought?

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

Oh hell yeah.

Do you want anything from the kitchen since im in here?

Porter 👩❤

Yea some chocolate frosted flakes please....

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

Ok babe.

See you soon.

Like 3 mins but still.

Porter 👩❤

Thank you!

Love you baby

Soon to be Mrs.Porter❤💍

Your so weird♥️

Love you with all my heart

*End of the Conversation*

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