I picked up my crutches and helped myself up on them. "Thank you very much, your majesty." I caught Coleman's eye looking down at me, and his frustrated expression melted into one much softer.

"Coleman," his mother said. "I know she is your servant, but why don't you help her out by grabbing the door? It's rather heavy."

"Of course," he answered quickly, to my surprise. He swiftly headed to the large golden door and pushed it open for me. He held it until I was outside the room, and let the door shut. 

"Thank you," I said as we stood in the hall. "And I'm sorry you are unhappy with my being the queen maiden. I didn't try to get the position or whatever, your mother just--"

"It's not your fault," he said abruptly. "And it's not you, per say." He sighed. "Look, I'm quite close to my mother. We do get along quite well. However, I know that she is very crafty. And again, no offense to you, but I don't think even you are so charming that she decided to up and make you her queen maiden."

"I don't think even you are so charming..." Was that an indirect compliment from him? 

"I mean, that's fair," I said.

Prince Coleman's eyes settled on my sprained ankle. "How are you doing?" He asked softly. "I mean, with your foot and everything."

"I'm alright," I said. "Though I could do for a shower or a bath!" I laughed. Behind Prince Coleman I noticed Luke heading down the hall in our direction.

"I'm sure," the Prince said with a smile. He seemed hesitant. "Look, Cassie, about what happened..." he slowly lifted his hand to place on my shoulder, but I recoiled and thrust my shoulder away from his touch, hyperaware of Luke approaching. I watched a flash of pain dart through the Prince's face as he took a step back. I felt my heart thud uncomfortably.

"Right." His voice was clipped. "Well I'll leave you be, then."

I didn't know how to respond, or what to say. The Prince veered off to his right down a short hallway before disappearing around the corner. Meanwhile, Luke took the remaining few steps to stand before me.

"Where's he off to?" he asked, looking at the direction the Prince had gone.

"I don't know." I felt rather bad for responding so negatively to the Prince's touch, but I chose to ignore that for now. I leaned forward towards Luke the best I could on my crutches. "How about you, Mr. Prescott? Where did you go?"

"Alexandria exited the room and asked me to take her to the Prince. Apparently Queen Klara summoned him as well."


"Speaking of summonings with the Queen, how did yours go?"

I took a deep breath and lowered my head. "I'm afraid I have some bad news," I told him.

"What?" A tenor of surprise and distress reached his voice.

I looked up at him and stuck out a pouty lip. "I'm afraid you're stuck with me awhile longer."

His face split into a gorgeous grin, and since apparently we had advanced to hugs now, he drew me into one and laughed. "Cass, you shouldn't scare me like that," he said. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.

"I know. I just couldn't help myself, Luke." 

Our hug was interrupted by a voice from off to the side. "Luke?"

We jumped apart and turned to see Prince Coleman gawking at us from the corridor that he SHOULD HAVE left from. His eyes locked with mine. "You call him Luke?"

 "You call him Luke?"

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Author's note

First off, I want to thank you all for the support. Maid For You is almost at 100,000 reads, which is super exciting for me!

When I started writing MFY, I really had no outline. I essentially had a premise and an idea of who she would end up with (which may or may not have since changed). As you may have noticed, this story's plot it kind of all over the place! This is because as soon as I wrote a chapter, I would read it through once or twice and then post it. Many ideas and concepts introduced later were something that I had not thought about in earlier chapters.

Anyways, because I had no outline, I didn't really know how long MFY would be. I anticipated that it would be one cute little book and then I would move onto the next project. However, the development of the various relationships has taken much longer than I anticipated, and the span of time was much shorter than I thought it would be. I thought about slapping on an ending and throwing Cassie with somebody, but I didn't think it would be fair to the characters or, quite frankly, the readers. In my opinion, she just isn't there yet with any of the relationships and it would feel rushed if she was thrown in with someone.

This book is already around 65,000 words. I finally sketched out a plot, and I realized that the story cannot be told in one book. And so, this chapter is the end of book one. Yes, I know that that kind of sucks--I've honestly been dreading telling you this. This summer, I am going to take some time to rework the first book--it needs some serious work!--and start on the next book.

If you would like to keep up with MFY and know when the second book comes out, you can follow my Wattpad profile or my social media (@Kayla_LaFroth on insta). On my Instagram, I'll try to post some behind the scenes stuff of MFY and excerpts of what I'm working on, etc. However, if you don't want to follow me (which I get haha), keep this book in your library; I'm planning to post when I add the sequel to Wattpad.

Thank you guys so much for putting up with my sporadic writing style!

-Kayla LaFroth

(Little Friend)

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