Chapter 3

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"Well you'll have to make time because you aren't going anywhere." Unfortunately the civilians that occupied the streets below didn't fully understand the situation. They pulled out their phones and began to record the first fight between the heroes of Paris. Alya Cesaire herself started a live feed for the Mariblog after rushing to the scene.
"People of Paris what you are seeing now is a fight between Marigold and Scarlet Lady! Chat Noir doesn't appear to be getting involved though he seems surprised at the sudden battle." Alya commented as the battle started to get more intense. "Scarlet Lady has used her Lucky Charm to get out of Marigold's hold! But Scarlet Lady seems confused on what to do with her Lucky Charm. Now Marigold has attacked again throwing Scarlet's little hand mirror off the rooftop! Chat Noir has disappeared! Just what is going on?"
"Give it up Scarlet! You stole your Miraculous and it's time to give it back. If you return the Ladybug earrings you might be able to get a new Miraculous. We will still forgive you if you stop this!" Marigold yelled out as they continued to fight.
"You are ridiculous! Why would I give up being a superhero? With my current powers I can save the day! I am Paris' true hero! My sidekick and I never needed a little busy bee like you!" Scarlet retaliated by trying to punch Marigold and sweep her legs out from under her. Her attack was unsuccessful and more clumsy than threatening.
"You see Scarlet," Marigold tripped Scarlet and she fell onto her back, "You put up a good fight with your yoyo and you probably would have beaten me if you had worked on your physical attacks. You have been a hero longer than me after all. The only reason you failed is because I fight the akumas with my top and my body. You swing around on that yoyo and never actually fight." Marigold towered over Scarlet and outstretched her hand. "Now give it up and return the Miraculous!" Now back to Alya Cesaire. The promising young reporter had climbed the fire escape and made it onto the rooftop next to the one the two were fighting on. She stayed hidden but made sure to catch the action on her phone still. She watched them fight and talk. She was hanging on to every word she could catch of the conversation between heroes. The smart girl also made sure to get it all on the recording as well. Marigold and Chat Noir were the true heroes of Paris and she would make sure that everyone else knew it. Scarlet smacked away Marigolds hand.
"You are a fool to think I would ever give them to you!"
"Then I'll take them by force. Venom!" Marigold leaned forward to prick Scarlet but was thrown off balance by a newcomer to the fray. Wearing a male version of Scarlet's suit and having the opposite spotted pattern they declared themselves as Lord Beetle.
"Paris needs Scarlet! How dare you try to hurt her!" They attacked Marigold and let Scarlet slipped away still nursing her now wounded pride. Marigold defended herself and took down the weaker Akuma. The purple butterfly flew off until a yoyo zipped out from below to purify it. Marigold took off in that direction but couldn't find Scarlet. All she found was a pissed off Chloe Bourgeois in her parents bakery. Which was a surprised since Chloe openly hated her and her family. She cursed herself but snuck into her room through her balcony and detransformed.
"It's alright my Queen. You'll get her next time after all Scarlet hates to miss out on good publicity."
"Thanks Pollen you are the best. Now to deal with the other pain downstairs." Marinette went down the stairs to greet her parents.
"Marinette! I didn't even see you come home earlier."
"Sorry maman! I'm just extra focused when I have so much homework to do." She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and went to the front of the shop to see what Chloe could possibly want. 
"Oh look it's Mari-trash." Chloe said quietly to Marinette. "I want the best thing you have in this trashy place. Make it snappy." Marinette shook her head but grabbed a box for the special macaroons her father made this morning. She filled the box with different flavours and rang up the total price.
"That will be twenty euros please." Chloe scoffed and tossed her hair behind her shoulders. God did that remind Marinette of a pissed off miniature horse. Or come to think of it the very reason Marinette herself was in a bad mood. Either way she didn't feel very intimidated.
"Just put it on Daddy's tab."
"I'm sorry  we don't do that anymore since you never send your father to actually pay." Chloe's jaw dropped for a moment but then she gave an annoyed look.
"Fine how much does Daddy owe you?" Marinette calculated the total for a few minutes.
"Around three hundred and six euros." This time Chloe looked surprised.
"I didn't realize we came here that much." She murmured to herself, angry that she had given in to her guilty pleasures so often.
"Fine here." Chloe thrust out three hundred euro bills and one ten. "Keep the change." Chloe took her macaroons and left in a hurry. The next morning however neither of those two girls would have better days. For Chloe it started out with the Scarblog. The newest video went up and Scarlet's beat down was posted everywhere. The fact that she was only saved by an akumatized fanboy was worse. Not only had a petition started up to make Scarlet give her Miraculous to Marigold, hashtag Not My Hero was also posted around. Scarlet was losing fans by the minute and she was furious. When she arrived for class she immediately flipped out on Alya.
"How dare you shame your hero! Might i remind you that she SAVED you multiple times!" Alya fixed a glare on Chloe.
"Actually Chat Noir did all the work then. Scarlet has never been a true hero. She's been a wanna-bee this whole time. That's why I firmly support Marigold." She grinned. "She's the bees knees! So I started a bee themed fashion line with Marinette helping me out on a favor! I am also going to bee using bee puns all day today to show my support to my new favorite hero Marigold!" For Marinette it started out with Nino then got worse. She brought in her usual food and extra coffee for Adrien who took the cup from her with a blush and a stuttered thank you. She had teased him and smiled back. Then came what she would call the worst whisper conversation ever. It was between Nino and Alya.
"Alya.. when do you think she'll notice? My boy is completely dying of lovesick syndrome."
"Nino shut up! She may be clumsy at times but she can still hear you." Marinette immediately knew what was going on. Adrien one of her best friends had a crush on her. Unfortunately she wasn't the only one to overhear.
"Excuse me! You think MY Adrikins has a crush on Mari-trash? Ridiculous utterly ridiculous!" To Marinette's dismay everyone in their homeroom looked at Adrien and then her.
"Chloe!" Marinette snapped harshly. "You shouldn't just shout things across the room! Especially not lies and rumors! You tell enough of those about me you don't have to drag everyone else into it too!" The class took a collective deep breath. They had never seen Marinette act like this before.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe stormed off with a fearful Sabrina in tow. Marinette sighed and went to sit down next to Alya.
"This day could not get any worse even if it actively tried." Alya laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Please girl things will look up. Don't stress or worry yet. I can work my magic on these rumors and they'll disappear soon." A loud crash along with a wall caving in signalled the arrival of an akuma. Marinette pushed Alya out of the way of oncoming rubble and cried out when she felt a large piece of brick land on her foot.
"Mari!" Adrien and Alya moved in unison lifting the heavy chunk of wall off her foot. "Marinette are you ok?" Adrien asked breathless in his worry.
"Yeah i'm ok. You guys need to take cover it's not safe. When Scarlet Lady fixes everything I should be fine. But for now you guys need to get out of here. I can't run away with you so i'll hide here under a desk." Adrien nodded and pulled them both away from danger. The quicker he transformed the quicker Marinette was out of danger. Marinette waited until she could transform in the empty classroom. She leaned on a desk clad in her stripes and readied her spinning top. She cautiously limped out into the hallway. She couldn't put much weight on her broken foot but she was determined to help Chat Noir even in an injured state. She saw him then, barging down the hall and moving past her.
"Marinette! Where is she?" He grabbed her shoulders.
"She's safe I helped her out before I transformed. Another chunk of rubble fell on me however and I think I broke something." Chat bent down to inspect her ankle through the suit.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little." She could admit her pain to him knowing he wouldn't laugh or insult her like Scarlet would.
"You should stay back then. You don't have to fight if you are injured." Marigold nodded.
"Alright I'll stay back and helped when you need me."  She stayed out of the fight until the very end when Scarlet appeared to purify the Akuma. "Scarlet! Are you going to run and hide again?" Scarlet glared but stood her ground in front of Marigold.
"You want to settle this bee? Fine. Let's go." Scarlet attacked first this time trying to wrap her yoyo around Marigold's legs. Marigold threw her spinning top and the strings tangled with each other. Chat this time didn't have to leave and much to the students surprise he used his cataclysm on the yoyo effectively destroying it.
"Chat how dare you turn on me!" Scarlet was fighting a losing battle now that it was two versus one and she no longer had her weapon. She fled yet again escaping Marigold and Chat Noir.
"Thank you for the help Chat but I have to go. Bug Out!" Marinette rushed out of the classroom and transformed back inside one of the female restrooms. Pollen flew down by her ankle. "This looks swollen my Queen. You need medical attention." Pollen flew up in front of Marinette's. "I know Pollen but people are going to be looking for me. I have to get back to the classroom quickly." Pollen nodded and tucked herself into Marinette's purse.

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