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So, I'm really sorry to do this again, but I'm no longer happy with this story. I started writing it over two years ago and my writing style has changed a lot since then, as has my ability to come up with a better plot. I'm not going to delete it, as I do have another Kol/Bella story in mind but I will no longer be continuing this.
I am not going to start on my new Kol/Bella story straight away, I have some other story ideas I would like to write first, but when I do eventually get round to this pairing again, I will likely delete this story and post my better, improved one.
I'm hoping to incorporate certain aspects from this, uh ... thing that I wrote into it, but it will have a much more thought-out plot and just overall thing-y-majigy-bob.
I realise I'm rambling now (and using words that do not exist), so I'll stop there, with another really big apology.

Vampire in Shining Armour || Kol M. & Bella S. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now