But Mother, I'm in Love With a Criminal

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This is only a one-shot that I wrote to fill in the gaps in Sigyn's backstory. If you want to read how they met, check out The First Dance. This also explains Loki's death in Thor: The Dark World. This also explains Hela's background and introduces Loki's other kids as well. I've always shipped Sigyn and Loki together since they were married in the myths and just seemed like a cute couple in the way that I write them. Please review and tell me what you think.

The crowd was pushing in all directions to see the fallen prince get marched right through the marketplace and up to the castle. Some people pulled their children closer in a small attempt to shield them away from the murderer.

This was the first time that a prisoner was led through the market area. Usually, the prisoners were accompanied by a few guards and marched around the market by a different path. Now, it seemed, like the guards were putting a large show, like they were trying to prove a point by humiliating the prisoner.

Everyone knew that he was different; boys didn't study magic nor fought with daggers and tricks. Many believed that Odin made a mistake by bringing him here as a child. The truth about his parentage was no longer a secret, and hate spread like wildfire through the citizens of Asgard.

Judging eyes watched the fallen prince - led with large, heavy chains holding him in place and a muzzle preventing him from speaking - walk slowly through the crowded street. Jeers and insults only added to the chaos. Several angry citizens even threw rocks and anything else they could get their hands on. The guards did nothing to quell the citizens' ruckus; they too seemed to hold something against the prisoner in their hearts.

He was the same boy that they had so faithfully guarded and protected all those years ago, but personal connections with the prince were severed almost immediately after the news of what he had done was announced.

Hate and anger was a common theme amongst the crowd - they all felt betrayed and lied to - but one maiden felt it on a whole other level.

"I told you he was trouble," one man said to his daughter.

His daughter worked as a healer in the castle, but today she was with her father getting produce and goods on her day off. The maiden had light, caramel-colored hair that was braided back into a single braid. Freckles dotted her tan cheeks. Her violet eyes were brimming with unshed tears as a hole in her heart tore open at the sight of the prisoner.

"Your mother and I wanted you about him," the man continued. He noticed that his daughter was shaking and put an arm around her. "That boy was a danger to you the minute you two met."

"He was a good man!" the maiden protested. "I don't know why he did something like that!"

"He's a frost giant, Sigyn. It's in his nature. Those Midgardians never stood a chance against a threat that big; they were lucky that they had that team of warriors."

"Father, you don't understand - I loved him! He loved me! I have never met a man who-"

"It was all a lie, daughter. He probably doesn't care about you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he isn't the one for you."

"Then why did it seem so real?" Sigyn whispered. "All those moments and memories with him - they were the best moments of my life. I just cannot believe that he did something like this..."

The prisoner was now a few feet in front of the two. On impulse, Sigyn pushed through the crowd in hopes that talking to her longtime boyfriend would bring her closure and reassurance.

"Stop! Please stop!" Sigyn cried out to the guards.

"My lady, we have strict orders to take the criminal to the castle immediately," a guard said, and pushed the prisoner forward.

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