Flames of Glory ~Chapter 3~

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Chapter 3

When school was over, I made my way over to Marissa's Porsche to wait. I leaned against the hood of her car because I knew Marissa would take a while cause she was with Damien. I got bored after a while so a sat on the hood of the car and laid my back was against the windshield. I looked up at the clouds in complete happiness.

"Okay, that's the third time," I heard the familiar voice of Aiden.

"Stop stalking me, you creep," I said smiling. I sat up to find him right beside the car.

"If I get another kiss I will," he said smirking.

"See I would, but you'd just attack me again," I said still smiling.

"I promise not to 'attack' you again," Aiden said making air quotes.

"I don't want to be some kind of toy to you," I said seriously. Smile gone.

"If I take you on a date this Friday night will you kiss me then?" he asked.

"But you've only known me for less than a day," I said still sitting on the hood of the car.

"Yes, but we've already had our first fight and, don't forget, got caught kissing," Aiden said smiling.

"I guess that's right. But what if people find out we went on a date?" I asked.

"Well they'd just have to deal with it. Now won't they?" he asked.

"I guess so," I sighed dramatically. I hopped off the hood and walked to Aiden. Stopping right in front of him. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Pick me up at eight. I live on Baker Street. In the brown house." Then I leaned away. "Hope you can remember that," I said with a small smile.

"Don't worry. I won't forget," He reassured me.

"Good," as I said that I saw Marissa coming over to us with an amused smile on her face. "I should probably go. Before I have to miss my ride home."

"I could always take you home," Aiden said with a smile of his own.

"Just go home. I'll see you tomorrow," I answered rolling my eyes.

"Fine," he said like a stubborn child. "And since when do you have the right to tell me what to do?"

"Since now," I said smirking.

"Hey, guys. What are you two doing?" asked Marissa as she reached us. Her voice was almost as amused as her face.

"Nothing," me and Aiden said at the same time. We laughed a little, nervously. Marissa just shook her head and got in her car.

"Come on. I don't have time for you two to flirt all day," she said in a whinny voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I said as I turned back to Aiden.

"You should go," he said. Then he leaned close and whispered, "And I'll definitely see you tomorrow."

I blushed and walked to the other side of the car. Before I got in I saw Aiden heading toward his car. He turned around and caught my eye. He winked, and I blushed harder. Then I got in the car. Before I knew it we were speeding down the road already a couple blocks from the school. Marissa was talking to me about her day, and questioning me about Aiden. Asking what happened, if he was the reason why I didn't sit with her today, and some other stuff. I didn't really listen to her. I was too busy thinking about my date with Aiden. Then one question of Marissa's caught my attention.

"So, did he ask you out?" she asked.

"Yeah. He did," I said looking out the window.

"We have to find you something to wear," Marissa said as she started off on another talking spree. Finally, we got to my house. I said goodbye to Marissa, walked to my door, and unlocked it. Mom usually worked late since she had two jobs. Since my dad died, she has to. I went straight to my room, and turned on my music so it was playing softly. I turned to my bag and got started on my homework. I was about half way through when Mom came home. She walked up to my room.

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