Flames of Glory ~Chapter 10~

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Chapter 10

"But why, Aiden?" I asked in a tired tone.

"Because I want them to meet my girlfriend," he whined.

In case you haven't noticed, we are arguing. Again. Only this time, I wouldn't give in. I did not want to meet this parents. The King and Queen! I mean, honestly, how stupid is he?

"They'll love you. Come on, Vic. You got Zebbie to like you. Please?" Aiden asked.

"No! Oh hell no. Not that look. I really don't want to," I whined. He kept looking at me. Green eyes huge, lip slightly sticking out, face all cute... "Oh my god! Fine!"

"I knew you would give in eventually," he gave me a boyish smile and walked off to class.

"Asshole," I muttered then also heading off to class.

* * *

"Are you sure I have to do this?" I asked not getting out of the car. "I mean, come on. Please don't make me do this."

"Vic, you saved my life. They are going to love you. Not as much as me, but pretty damn close."

"Awe... that is so sweet, Aiden. But no."

"Fine," he said. I looked at him in disbelief. Aiden never gives up that easy,

Suddenly, he was on the passenger side of the car, staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled at him. Scrambling to lock the door. Of course the universe is against me, and made him beat me to it.

"Up you go, babe," Aiden said while pulling me out of the car.

"Put me down. Gently," I warned and with a sigh of resignation, I started walking up the driveway.

"You're not walking to your doom. They are just my parents," he said following me.

"I might as well be," I mumbled under my breath. Aiden sighed and grabbed my hand to stop me from progressing further. He started rubbing soothing circles on the back.

"You'll do fine. I promise."

"Alright. But if not, I am going to be so mad."

"Come on. It will be over soon," Aiden said smiling.

We walked the rest of the way to the house. The door was held open by a maid, who had a bright, encouraging smile. Great... Even she could tell I was super nervous.

"Isabelle, close that door! It's bringing in a draft," a cold female voice boomed through the house.

"Why do I get the feeling you lied?" I muttered to Aiden.

"Maybe because I did," he whispered back sheepishly.

"You assh-"


Out of no where, Zebbie tackles me. Down to the ground we go!

"I missed you, Vic! Why haven't you visited? Did this idiot do something? *Gasp* He's been hogging you hasn't he?" she said in a complete rush.

"Hey! I have not. Plus she is my girlfriend, I can hog her as much as I want."

I raised my eyebrow in a challenging way. Even flat on my back, he was still intimidated. This is called wearing the pants in a relationship. Love it!


"Mhmm... Anyways, Zebs can I get up now?"

"Oops! I'm so sorry," she said getting up. Aiden pulled my up soon after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2011 ⏰

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