Chapter Three

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It's now lunch seen as break and the other two periods had pasted, yet it is as if I can't get enough of Brandon.

His smile, his hair, his deep brown eyes staring at me with a curious look, his straight nos......
Wait staring at me.

I immediately looked away pretending I was enjoying my now cold chicken and fries , after all he could of been looking at someone near me.

But what if he was looking at me. Maybe he feels the same way I do.

No he doesn't you are not even his type.

An annoying voice in my head said. Although it is right, I will never be his type. That is if he even has a type to begin with.

"Hey", an all too familiar voice said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Lashanna",I replied a  smile immediately taking over my face,"What's up".

" The sky ", she said with the most serious face I've ever seen her with. I couldn't stop the laugh that burst through my lips. I immediately covered my mouth when I realized I was the only one in the class making noise.
Looking around the class I found every pair of eyes on me including Brandon.

I mumbled a quick Apology before hiding my head under my arms. Slowly the class went back to normal but I could still hear Lashanna giggling beside me.

"Stop " ,I said feeling both embarrassed and frustrated. But to tell you the truth it was my fault.
"Fine I'll stop but you have to agree that it was funny ", she said.
When I looked at her with a straight face she continued.
"Not even a little bit?".

I continued to look at her my face expression not changing.

I think she got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it because she changed the topic.

"So how is your day so far?", she asked wiggling her eyebrows. The question immediately put a grin on my face.

"You won't believe what happened ". I said literally bouncing in my seat.
"What ?" She asked with a razed brow.

"Ok , you know how I stare when I bord right ?" I begun to which she nodded. " Well I was bord in class and I started to look around the class when I spot Brandon talking to his friends. Me being me started to stare at him cause how can I not ?" I continued with a cheesy grin on my face. She shook her head with a smile on her face then waved as a signal for me to continue.

"Ok,back to the point, I was staring at him for a long while when suddenly he turn and his eyes landed on me. Anybody with common sense would look away but seen as I have idiotitis I continued to look. Then he....... He ....h..", I couldn't even say it with the amount of giggling I was doing.

"He what ?", Lashanna asked clearly concerned at this point.
"He.... He.. SMILED !", I couldn't help but squeal.
Good thing the class was almost empty and those who were in here were at the front of the class while we were at the back so they had no idea what we were talking about.

"Oh My Fucking God", she exclaimed.
"I know right, I thought he'd get crept out but he fucking smiled".I told her, the smile still permanent on my face.

Soon we were both jumping and squealing like mad women but did we stop?
Why? you might ask. Well let's just say were happy and that's what we do when we're happy.

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