Let the Space Witness

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It is on YouTube! https://youtu.be/2mi8oUGLfF4

It has been referred to and noted that Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all time or perhaps the most tragic. But hey, Taste of Sky is the Filipino version of tragic but great story I've ever read!

"If it is the end of the world, give me an aircraft and I'll fly high. I can't agree on your quotation commander, because survival is an exception. We can always choose to survive, I am a pilot and I will definitely fly for human race survival". As quoted from the Prologue, we can already see the determined female pilot of all times!

FLIGHT LIEUTENANT BEHATI AZALEA MONZANTO is the woman of hope and the bravest lady you'll ever know.

A survivor of typhoon Yolanda and a fighter. She's determined to be a pilot to save others and make them not feel the feeling of emptiness, loneliness and also homeless, by entering an agency who sees the truth about the Earth- the Universal Aeronautics and Space Administration or UASA.

She is a woman that will absolutely go against someone's famous principle and/or philosophy. A woman made to fly. The stubborn and hard headed Lieutenant. The most beautiful pilot in her Pedro's eyes. A woman who knows how to punch. An unromantic woman. A cold and badass girlfriend. A wonderful woman who saved thousands of lives.

SPACE COMMANDER RYLANDRIEN PETER ARMSTRONG, Behati's Pedro, the sexiest astronaut alive.

The man who rules the space. The man who owns the most beautiful eyes. A sweet-mouthed man who always expresses what he really feels. A man that can't be denied. A man that is willing to risk his life just like his father. He's intelligently sexy. I can imagine him having an IQ like Einstein. He can be serious and cold but childish at times.

Behati believes that they first laid their eyes to each other at UASA. But guess she's wrong. For Peter is the man who untiringly devoted himself on helping the typhoon victims and survivors. He's the owner of the voice who comforted her in her darkest chapter.

She also sees astronauts as men who are full of themselves and just - mayabang.

Falling in love is not in her vocabulary. She has planes as her first love. She's too focused. She never wanted others to look down to women as weak and dependent. SHE HAS A FREAKING SMART MOUTH.

But that principle of falling in love changed when she met that blue-eyed sexy astronaut.

She definitely fell in love with an astronaut! Not to an engineer, doctor, lawyer, accountant, and who else, but to a freaking astronaut.

She run, he'll chase. She pushes him away, he'll come closer.

"You fly, I'll fly. You fight, I'll fight"

"Dearly beloved from UASA, this is commander Armstrong speaking for the last time. Right in this mission, I proudly want to say that - - ""Yes, I am married to the woman of hope"

He saw the beauty of Lieutenant on Mars.

"I'm calling all the stars in the universe, I want them to witness that I got the brightest and sweetest taste of sky"

They got married, and let the space witness their undying love. They were both ecstatic . . . until that day, when the clock ticked, when Pedro chose to let go of her hand, save her, her future son, and mankind.

"I love you, let the sky cross our paths again."

"I love you, Behati.. more than the star, the Earth or even the universe. You are my sky baby.." His last words.

It was the most painful "I love you" I've ever read. It's heart-shattering. It's bittersweet.

Losing him was very tragic. The universe played its cards and drifted them apart.

"Jose Rizal has Josephine Bracken"

"Andres Bonifacio has Monica Bonifacio"

"Diego Silang has Gabriela Silang"

"The fallen forty-four has their wives"

"The soldiers of Marawi has their wives"

"And lastly, Space Commander Rylandrien Peter Armstrong got me"


"The toughest fight isn't just in the battlefield of guns, not just in the hospital bed with life and death, not just in a country's clash-you know what's the toughest fight? It's in your home seeing a blank chair. The empty chair of you husband, his empty pillow, every part of your home without his traces."

The excruciating feeling towered over me as she shares this during National Hero's Day. As she commemorates her late husband. As she gave hope to people whose grieving like her. Who's feeling the pain as her. Who's continuously living and fighting for their family like her. Who's battling their own wars for their husbands. Who's staying strong for Gravint Skynard.


A survivor of typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption and asteroid explosion. But never been a survivor of LOVE.

I just can't put it into words - the feeling that this story brought to my system.

I just can't name the mixed and numerous emotions as my journey of reading this masterpiece started. From giggling to shouting with excitement and joy to helplessly crying.

Taste of sky brought a skyrocketed feeling indeed. It exceeded my expectations!

It is man vs nature. With its life threatening battles. Can we survive when the floors of the earth continuously shake? Can we run or fly when a giant wave speeds across the ocean? Can we still be alive or even extinguish the river of lava when a volcano erupts? We can just make measures but nature will always take the supremacy.

VENTRECANARD. A round of applause please! She deserves every applause and praises from readers. How to be you? How to have that creative and gutsy mind. You are one of the great authors! Thank you! Thank you for letting us meet Pedro and Behati. Your book suits the interest of the readers with this far from the common stories. You are AWESOME!

Can I suck the brain of the author? The brilliant author who wrote this piece intelligently, this daring rocket journey to save the Earth. The author made effort to make this piece realistic - to educate and inform

I remembered Armageddon in this piece. On how an astronaut blowed up an asteroid as big as the size of Texas. On how Harry Stamper, an astronaut risked his life to save his fellow space walker and mankind.


We have Allison Monzanto, cousin of Behati and her only remaining family before she got Pedro. Air Chief Commander Deborah Mitts, higher in command and Engineer Wright's love interest. Commander Dale Gabriel Jensen, the man who welcomed Behati at UASA. We have Commander Graham Bell, the astronaut she met at Thailand, the one who called her gangster and the witness of their space wedding. Commander Sanders is Pedro's father's friend and the one who headed Pedro and Behati's wedding. Aaron is the child she saved in Thailand and became her adopted child. Lance Gomez is Ally's husband. Professor Shiela Wilson ex-lover of Engr. Wright. And of course, Gravint Skynard Armstrong their son who's made in outer space, Pedro's replica and Behati's source of strength.

WORDS TO DESCRIBE THIS MASTERPIECE: Action-packed, painful yet sweet, and close to perfection

BHAI'S SORT OF BOOK REVIEW: TASTE OF SKY by VentreCanardWhere stories live. Discover now