When You Get Sick

Start from the beginning

"Go to sleep."

You closed your eyes and your worries were gone in a few minutes.


You slowly blinked your eyes. Your vision was blurred and you can hear someone faintly talking to himself.

"-ro's job. Yeah! I should definitely do it so she can be cured!"

You blinked more but you chose to close your eyes instead.

You heard loud footsteps coming back to your room and your door opened with a creak.

"There we go." The familiar voice said and you felt something very hot on your forehead.

Your eyes bulged open at the feel of something hot ontop of your forehead.

You saw the blond American staring at you with eyes full of happiness.

"Hey (Y/N), feel better now?" He asked you grinning.

"America.. I need something cold on my forehead to absorb the heat.. Not something equally hot." You croaked out.

"Oh! My bad! Wait for a sec!" He dashed out of your room so you closed your eyes again.

When you heard the loud footsteps again, you opened your eyes and saw America's hand reaching to the top of your forehead.

He took a hot steaming hamburger and replaced it with a cold one.

"America! I'm not supposed to have food on my forehead!" You exclaimed.

"But it will make you feel better! England felt better immediately!" He exclaimed while extending his arms up in the air.

"You should place a face towel with cold water on top of my forehead, not hamburger." He nodded and took the hamburger off of your forehead.

He dashed out again and came back with a small water basin and some face towel.

He drenched the face towel with water and squeezed it ontop of the water basin.

He placed it on your forehead and you felt the cool clothing give a small sense of relaxation to your head.

"Thanks." You groggily said to which America smiled genuinely at and stroked your hair.

"It's no problem at all." He said smiling.

"Have you ate yet?" He asked you and you thought for a sec.

"Is it lunch already?" You asked him.

"Yeah." He said nodding his head.

"Nope, I haven't ate yet." You said smiling apologetically at him.

"I'll make you some stew so just rest up." He stood up from his kneeling position and went out of your room again.

He came back a few minutes later with a delicious, warm, beef stew.

He placed the tray on your lap after sitting you up. You smiled gratefully at this and you tried taking the spoon but America shook his head.

"No. I will feed you." He said smiling.

He scooped up some of the stew and placed it infront of you after he blew on it.

"Open up."

You opened your mouth reluctantly and he began feeding you.

The stew was so delicious. You finished 3 huge bowls of it.

"By the way.. Why are you here?" You asked him.

"Eh?" He asked you while tilting his head to the side.

America Boyfriend Scenarios (Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now