Chapter 26; What A Night!

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We got back to the tour bus and cracked open some bottles of JD. "Here's to a fantastic opening show and bring on the rest of the tour" Matt said raising his glass. I was sat on Brian's lap as we were laughing and joking with the guys. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Johnny. "Hey Johnny, how is everything?" "It's going good Kim, they said Steph will be out tomorrow and our little boy still has to stay in for another week." "Everything will be alright, trust me, anyway gotta go, Brian wants to take me somewhere." "Okay Kim enjoy tour."

I hung up and Zacky looked at me with a concerned face. "What are you looking at Zack?" Brian pipped up. "Oh nothing, just wondering what Johnny said." "Basically" I butted in. "Steph is coming out of hospital but Benjamin still has to stay in a week as he is premature." "Oh" Zack replied. "Right babe, I now have a surprise for you round the back of the bus." Jimmy winked at me and let out a massive ohhhh. Brian pushed me off his lap and followed me out of the bus.

"Bri it's freezing out here, can I not get my hoodie?" "Kim you will be warmed up soon trust me." We walked round the back of the bus to find a picnic and a fire on the go. "Kim, there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and I just haven't found the right time, so I thought tonight would be perfect after our first show." He got down on one knee and I felt tears pricking the back of my eyes. "Kim I love you so much and yes I know I've fucked up in the past but will do me the honour of becoming my wife." I froze for a minute before replying. This was the man I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. "YES" I screamed.

Matt, Zacky and Jimmy ran out of the bus. "He finally did it then, finally proposed to Kim, this has been a long time coming" Zacky laughed at what Jimmy had said. "LOOK GUYS, LOOK AT THE RING, IM IN LOVE WITH IT." I ran over to the guys and gave them all a massive hug. "IM GOING TO BE MRS HANER."

Brian's POV

The next morning was a blur, I put my hand on my head and looked at the time on my phone. 10:00am. I jumped down from my bunk and went into the living area of the bus. No one was about, not even Kim, where the hell were the guys? I looked on the counter and noticed a note.

Bri we have gone to get some breakfast, we didn't want to wake you as you looked so cute asleep(Kim wrote that part)but we will be back about 11am and you better be up motherfucker.

I laughed at the note and went to grab a shower before the guys came back. The hot water hitting my aching muscles felt so good. I got out and pulled on my boxers and black jeans and walked back into the living room.

Jimmy's POV

It was nice just to hang out with Kim for a while by ourselves, we had such a laugh and she couldn't stop showing off her ring. Every other person she saw she showed them her ring. She couldn't believe she was going to be Mrs Haner.

"Right last one in the bus, has to go on stage tonight in just their underwear." I have never seen Kim and Zacky run so fast. Matt just gave me that look but started running. Of course I beat that motherfucker and now Matt has to go on stage just in his boxers, this will be fun.

We all ran into the bus and Kim and Zacky were the first ones there. As Kim was walking up the stairs she noticed Bri and jumped onto him. "Morning babe, omg tonight MATT has to go on stage and perform one song just in his boxers." "Oh shit Matt, that will be hard for you as we know you can't handle mini Matt." Matt gave Brian the most horrible look and me and Zack couldn't stop laughing. "We love you really Mattie but a deals a deal" Zacky said laughing.

*Time hop 2 hours*

We were all sitting round the table playing a friendly game of monopoly. I could see where this was going. "Guys quick question, where are we tonight?" "Phoenix, Arizona" Kim replied. How the hell did she know that and I didn't? Oh well. "I'm bored of this game now, I'm going to play xbox, Mrs Haner do you care to join me?" "Bring it on, I'm going to beat your ass." Kim and Brian were the cutest couple ever and nobody could deny that.

We finally arrived at the venue and made out way in, we were slightly late as the traffic was bad so it was a quick soundcheck, quick change of clothes then out on stage. "Let's rock Phoenix tonight boys." Kim shouted. We all walked on stage and put on one hell of a show. The crowd went wild when Matt came out in just his underwear and he all looked at us with them 'I'm going to kill you' eyes.

After the show we all decided to go back to the bus to have a shower. Kim and Brian didn't bother because they weren't coming back out with me, Matt and Zacky. "Oh yeah guys, before we left for tour I promised the girls that you wouldn't do anything stupid so don't even bother bringing any girls back, especially you Zack." "Ooooh" I said playfully to Zack and he just gave me a death stare.

"Right boys you ready?" Matt said as he was putting his aftershave on. "Hell yeah, let's go." We all walked out of the bus. "Remember what Kim said boys, don't even think of bringing any girls back as you have beautiful girls back in Cali okay." "You have my word Jim, I couldn't physically do that to Wendy again." Somehow I wasn't convinced with Zacky and I know what he is like when he gets drunk around women.

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