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you open the door of the cafe and look towards ten's way only to meet his eyes. he smiles at you and gestures you to come to him. as you walk to him, he shoves a coffee towards your seat.

"espresso?" you ask as you take a seat in front of ten. he nods and you take a sip, enjoying the taste of your favourite drink. "thank you" you thank him as you take another sip.

"you're welcome" he says, drinking his own coffee himself. you two drink your coffees in a peaceful silence until ten decides to talk. "i wanted to ask you something" he says with sudden nervousness in his voice.

you raise one brow. "sure, what's up?" he takes a deep breath and looks at you. "promise you won't judge me for this" he says on which you immediately nod. "i would never" you state.

ten swallows one last time before blurring out "is jinju still single?"


i'm in love with u, sorry .  l. chittaphonWhere stories live. Discover now