*^Chapter 5*^

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"Five! What happened? Who were they? How did they know you? What did you do when I left our dreams!?" I scream at him eyes filled with tears. I collapse onto the floor burying my eyes into my jeans, soaking them in tears.

"I owe you an explanation and an apologie for what happened back there, and I'm sorry. But right now I need you to stay the strong and brave Y/N that I know and love." I look up at him with a confused look love? 

I know we kissed and everything, but, it feels so weird hearing him say it aloud, but nice at the same time.

His face turns bright red and gives an awkward smile before looking away.

"C-can we go to Vanya's apartment t-to to, talk?" I shutter and finally get the words out of my mouth. He gives me a wide grin and replies with.

"Will, that make you happy?" I blush and nod, he grabs my hand and teleports us there.

I open my eyes to see I'm in Vanya's apartment floor, standing in her lounge room.

"Well, where is she?" I ask searching for the room,

"I don't know" He pauses "but she'll be here a 7 pm".

"How do you know?" I ask rather curious.

"Look for yourself", I walk over to the fridge and see a yellow sticky note, with a message that says

Remember! Violin 6pm-7pm

I check my watch, 7:57

"She'll be here any minute now" I respond.

A couple of minutes later we hear the keys jingle in the door.

Vanya walks in with her violin on her back looking slightly tired and upset.

She goes to turn the light on, but five turns on the lamp before she can,

"Jeezes," she says shocked and annoyed at the same time.

"You should have locks on your windows," he says

I want to chuckle, but I keep a straight face.

"I live on the 2nd floor she answers" she answers while putting her keys on the metal heater.

"Rapists can climb," he says. A smile cracks through my face, prick.

"You are so weird," she says before closing the door, shes no wrong though.

She sits next to me on the couch, she notices something on his collar and my sleeves.

"Is that blood?" she says kinda shocked,

He looks down at the floor.

"It's nothing", she looks at me, I look away.

"Well, why are you here?" She askes,

"I've decided that you and Y/N are the only ones I can trust," he answers

"Why me?" I honestly don't know why, but it's most likely because of our relationship as kids.

Vanya cried for days after Five disappeared, she always told herself that he wasn't dead and that he was alive, but no one believed her, only me.

"Because you're ordinary." Five says, I feel bad for her shes heard that one to many time.

I shove him he is rude sometimes.  He huffs.

"Because you'll listen", that's better.

She gets up and walks out of the room, and comes back with a bandage and some alcohol.

She starts putting some on his arm.

My head starts spinning things get blurry, then.


💜Hello! Sorry again💜

🥞I forgot about Wattpad and I apologize🥞

🥞We got votes! I want to thank all of you for making this happen🥞

🥞I will start giving shout outs! The first one goes to🥞

🥞Swim Kittie14! I f you want a shout out just leave a comment!🥞


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