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"Wait wait wait." Seungmin stated, accusingly pointing a chip in Jeongin's direction. "You're telling me, some cosplaying weirdo-"

"Spiderman." Hyunjin supplied, not even looking up from his phone.

Seungmin, like most times, ignored him, "Swooped down- literally swooped down- and saved you from muggers?"

"Uh yup." The youngest of the group replied, lazily playing with the hem of his blazer.

Jisung just stared at him in shock, "And you're not even a little traumatised."

"It's not like they were good muggers." Jeongin snorted, receiving a grim look from Seungmin.

"Are you really okay?" He asked, concerned, "It's okay to be scared."

Jeongin gazed up at his friend with a soft look, appreciating the love they had for him. But it was just like what he told his parents, he was genuinely fine. The initial fear he had felt for the muggers all but evaporated as soon as one of them opened their mouths, not to mention as soon as spiderman came to the rescue, it was like some badly directed short film.

He smiled though, "I promise I'm fine. Better question, how was the championship?"

Seungmin, thankfully, gave him a reassuring grin before delving into a story about how the championships were, starting with a surprised sounding 'we actually got in the top 5 this year!'

Not that their swim team was bad, it just...wasn't the best. Especially compared to the other teams in the area. Jeongin had been on the team since he was 10 and was a very promising member, but was technically still in the junior division because he was still in high school. Seungmin, Jisung and Hyunjin on the other hand, were actual members who competed for the very first time this year.

"It's all because of those new kid!" Jisung piped up, "You should have seen him Jeongin, he was practically flying in the water."

Jeongin frowned at that, a petty distaste in his mouth.

He knew the new member, a kid from Sydney. As far as he knew the swimmer, Chan, was already a championship winner, landing a spot on the team as soon as he walked through the door. Jeongin had initially hated him with a fiery passion, but it was really hard to hate someone who was so nice. Chan had offered to buy everyone on the team pizza. Pizza! An actual angel.

Chan's younger brother however, not so much. Given that Jeongin hadn't met him yet, he had to base his assumptions of the shit talk that happens in the lockers. Which isn't fairly often, the team is filled with a bunch of warm hearted kids, who're nothing but respectful.

But sometimes, even they get annoyed.

"I just don't understand!" Minho shouted once a couple weeks ago, looking so distressed he was about to pass out, "How can someone who looks fit, be so slow. He can't even swim in a straight line!"

Jeongin winced internally, "Chan did good I take it?" He asked instead, hoping his smile wasn't too forced.

Hyunjin, finally looking up from his phone, sprung up instantly- nearly knocking Jisung and his box of chicken wings off the table.

"That's the thing!" He shouted hysterically, and Jeongin leaned back a little shaken, "Chan didn't even swim for all his races!"

"What?" Jeongin questioned, "But you won?"

Jisung pouted, "We aren't that bad."

"That's not what I meant you doof." The youngest clarified, no malice in his words, "It's just- wasn't Chan swimming for like...everything?"

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