Chapter 63

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Alice went to the bedroom. She didn't see FP there and assumed he was in Charles's room so Alice walked to the bed and changed her clothes with the ones that were there, a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Then she laid down in bed looking up at the ceiling trying to keep up with the speed the thoughts in her mind had.

It was around eleven o'clock when Charles finally fell asleep and FP put him down on his crib. He turned on the baby monitor and turned off the light before he left Charles's room. FP took a peek into the girls' room because the door was slightly open and he smiled when he heard them laugh at whatever movie was on. "Good." FP whispered to himself before he turned to his and Alice's bedroom. He entered it and closed the door behind her. FP found Alice in the same position she's been standing for about an hour already. "Everything ok?" He asked her taking off his t-shirt. When he reached for another one Alice stood up and leaned against the back of the bed shaking her head. "What?"

"Don't put that on." Alice pointed at the t-shirt and FP raised his eyebrows.

"Why not?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

"I don't like it." Alice shrugged her shoulders even though she knew FP wasn't gonna buy it because she just wore that the night before.

"Liar." FP told Alice and he didn't put it on. He took off his pants and put on some shorts. Alice pated on the bed the spot next to her and FP went there smiling. He laid back on the bed and Alice placed her head on his chest and wrapped her left leg around FP as she traced her fingers along his stomach. "What's on your mind?" FP asked knowing Alice was awfully quiet when something was bothering her.

"There something that happened, but I can't tell you." Alice said talking about Wendy and FP raised his eyebrows.

"Uhm, ok." FP said moving his right hand on Alice's leg and squeezing it gently. He felt Alice moving on top of him and he just brought her closer. "Then tell me about the other stuff in your mind that you can talk to me about."

"I wanna talk about Miranda." Alice told FP and for a second he was confused, but he quickly recovered. He started running his hand from below her ass to the back of her knee.

"What do you wanna know about Miranda?" FP expected that to come up sooner or later for no special reasons. She was Betty's mother and it was inevitable.

"I know you two were close back then and I also know that she was your first and probably only serious relationship until us now." Alice started calmly. Never once before she thought that she was going to talk so openly and calmly about any of FP's exes.

"Yeah..." FP was waiting to see where Alice was going with that. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"But I don't know for sure one thing..." Alice paused as she let out a sigh. "Did you love her?" She asked and all of a sudden FP's hand froze on the back of her knee. "Couldn't you stop upper?" Alice joked, but FP didn't laugh. "Come on, keep doing that, it was soothing and pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie."

"Was it?" FP asked as he started running his hand up and down trying to change the subject.

"Go back a few seconds ago and answer my question please." Alice told FP snuggling more into him.

"Alice, I-"

"And don't lie, I'm not gonna be mad. I just wanna know if your sixteen year old self loved Miranda, that's it." It wasn't anything hidden behind Alice's words, she just wanted to know.

"Why?" FP asked and Alice looked up at him.

"Curiosity.'' She shrugged her shoulders and placed her hand on FP's cheek. "Just tell me."

"Ok, then yes, my sixteen year old self loved her." FP told Alice what she already suspected. And he definitely didn't expect Alice to press her lips against his and kiss him softly. "Ook, so you're really not mad."

"I'm not because I now know that you loved Betty's mom and that's good for her because she's gonna want to talk about her to you." Alice leaned back against his chest as a smile spread across her face. "And besides your sixteen year old self loved her, your now self loves me."

"And you love me." FP said chuckling and Alice nodded her head. She pressed her lips against his chest before she slowly but surely moved onto his lap completely. Alice took off her shirt and FP was quick to remove her bra.

"I want you..." Alice whispered under her breath as FP pressed kisses on her neck. He moved the covers on top of them before his pants went down.

"The girls'" FP said between kisses and Alice nodded her head.

"Then we're gonna be quiet." She whispered and moved down under the blanket driving FP crazy before she finally let him take control and he rolled her over. After he returned the favor FP kissed Alice and she pulled him into hee. "Oh god." She let out and FP covered her mouth with his lips. They both moaned into each others mouths as FP pushed into her.

~ ~ ~

It was two o'clock in the morning when Alice put on her robe and went to see why Charles was crying. After she calmed him down Alice headed back into the bedroom, but before she got in someone tapped her shoulder and that someone was Betty. "Oh, sorry he woke you up."

"It's ok." Betty gave Alice a small smile. "Jellybean and I weren't sleeping anyway remember?" She asked and Alice nodded her head.

"Then I'll let you to it because I'm exhausted." Alice told Betty and she let out a chuckle.

"After all that exercising." Betty whispered to Alice and her eyes went wide the next second. "I heard, Jellybean didn't because I turned the TV louder." Betty answered the unasked question that was readable on Alice's face. "Anyway, just wanted to let you know."

"Ok." Alice nodded her head internally freaking out. Betty went back into the room and Alice leaned against the wall running her hand through her hair.

"You traumatized that girl for life." Wendy came from downstairs and Alice startled when she heard her.

"Don't plan on yelling at me anymore?" Alice asked her sister and Wendy cocked her head to the side. "You need to talk, right?"

"I do." Wendy slightly nodded her head. Even though they fought Alice was going to be there for her and it was the same the other way around. "But in the morning."

"Ok." Alice smiled a little as Wendy walked past her into the bedroom. Alice did so too and snuggled up next to FP. "We traumatized Betty."

"Hmh?" FP mumbled wrapping his arms tightly around Alice.

"Nothing." She rolled her eyes knowing he probably didn't even heard what she said. "You're an idiot." Alice tried FP to see if he heard her and when he spun her around to face her Alice chuckled knowing he did in fact hear her.

"What did you-"

"You didn't let me finish." Alice cut off FP then kissed him softly. "I love idiots."

"That doesn't make it better." FP shook his head before be yawned. He turned around so his back would face Alice.

"Ok fine..." Alice rolled her eyes before she pressed her lips against FP's shoulder and traced her fingers along his arm. "You're not an idiot and I love you."

"That's better." FP smiled and turned so he was sitting on his back. Alice moved on top of him and he kissed her forehead before she let her head fall down on him. "I love you too."

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