Learning from each other

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Sean's POV

We were hanging out when Kaycee asked me if I wanted to dance. "I really want to improve my isolations; can you help me?" she asked shyly.

I'd never thought she'd ask for my help. Kaycee was good at almost every style of dance, but I must admit isolations were never her strong suit. Not because she wasn't able to do it - I very much believed she'd kill it once she learned it - but simply because she had never practiced it. Neither did she have the interest – until now.

"Pull your chest out, and then pretend like you're pushing it back with your hand," I explained showing the move. "Then keep the position for your upper body steady, and move your legs rapidly."

She executed the move perfectly, and I couldn't help but stare at her. It was unbelievable how fast she picked up new moves. I remembered trying to learn isolations myself, and it took forever to learn, and here she was killing it straight away. We practiced for some time before we concluded that Kaycee was a pro.

"Can you teach me something, Kayc?" I asked, knowing it'd make her uncomfortable. Her teaching me something was an unfamiliar thought.

"You're basically good at everything, it's so frustrating," she sighed. "Except for flexibility, but that's sadly not something I can teach you. You gotta do the work yourself."

I laughed, knowing she was right. We laid on the floor listening to music when she finally got an idea: "WAIT, there is one thing I could teach you!"

I was really excited: "What?" I asked eagerly.

"Facial expressions!" Damn, that's true. I could really use some training with Kaycee on facial expressions. That's actually what made her stand out as much as she did – her ability to display emotion through her face. 

She went on her phone and burst out laughing: "Remember when your face looked like this?" She showed me a video from two years ago. It was embarrassing to watch now;  it looked like I was in constant pain, when I in reality aimed for a sassy expression. 

"Remove that video from my face," I begged laughing while pushing the phone away.

"Let's start with the I-don't-give-a-fuck-look," she said. Her attitude changed quickly. She went from the cute, giggly girl she usually was, to a sassy, confident woman. I must admit it frightened me, but before I got too scared, she broke character and got back to her normal, giggly self. "Your turn," she demanded. 

I tried doing it, but ended up looking like myself two years ago. "No, you're not doing it right. Now you look like an old man," she laughed.

"Look at me and pretend that I'm the most uninteresting thing in the world," she instructed. 

"But you are, no need to pretend," I teased which resulted in a punch in my arm. 

"Okay, if you wanna look like a grandpa while dancing, it's alright. I can stop teaching right now," she said sticking out her tongue. We burst out laughing at the same time, and it hit me how in sync we always were.

"Just look normal, and I'm gonna drag your face into place," she said while correcting my face. She started by pushing my eyes closer together and closing my mouth. I couldn't help the tingling sensation I felt whenever she touched me, but decided to ignore it.

"Just like that," she said, proudness evident in her voice. 

"Like this?" I asked only for her to scream: "Now you ruined it, you idiot." I facepalmed, realizing my mistake. She sighed dramatically. "You're impossible!"

After what felt like an eternity, I was finally able to somehow do it. "And now with music!" she exclaimed. She put on an upbeat song, and showed me what to do with my face. Every time she did her face switches, it caught me off guard. It reminded me of when she did Ain't your mama in Jojo's class. I remembered watching that video not expecting Kaycee to do what she did. My heart beat fast and my face burned after that video, although I was alone in my room watching her through a screen. 

I was dragged back to present time when she snapped her fingers in fromt of my face. "You zoned out for a second. Or shall we say a minute? You give it a shot," she said smirking. I tried my best throughout the dance, but nobody could do it like Kaycee. I wasn't completely satisfied with my sassy face, but I had definitely improved.

"What facial expression shall we rehearse now?" she asked. 

"Creepy," I suggested excitedly. 

"Nah, you're already good at creepy faces," she teased. And it was true – I actually nailed the creepy choreographies every time. Just take Janelle's or Jojo's classes, and I looked the most creepy out of all of the dancers. 

"You don't even need to try," she quickly said in a teasing tone. I just shook my head; I was done with Kaycee Rice.

"What about sexy?" I asked mockingly. She instantly fell silent, looking awkwardly down to the ground. 

"Well I unfortunately don't know how to do it, so I'm afraid you have to call someone else," she said. I could see that it made her insecure; the fact that she didn't do sexy choreographies. But I thought she was sexy without being sexy.. if that made sense. She never really tried to be sexy, but was nevertheless. I didn't say that though, afraid it would make her uncomfortable. So I went with: "You're doing better than you think" instead. 

"How about emotional?" I suggested. We practiced for a couple of hours before calling it a day.

"So why do you wanna get better at isolations?" I asked. She looked down, a pink tint covering her face, almost as if she was ashamed. I forced her gaze to meet mine, my eyes giving off a questioning look. 

"I.. I don't like that I'm not as good as you. I hate when you are better than me. Dance is the only thing I'm good at, and you are good at everything. If you're a better dancer as well, I'll start to feel unworthy of your company," she pressed out. Her answer surprised me – she always thought of me as a god which was far from the truth. 

"So you used me to get better than me," I laughed. 

"When you say it like that, it sounds horrible," she giggled lightly. 

"Well, let's clarify a few things. You ARE a better dancer than me in most styles, please let me have this one," I laughed before turning serious. "But seriously. You are one of the greatest dancers out there, don't ever doubt that." I felt the need to tell her how good she really was. If there was one person that deserved every bit of praise in the world, it was her. Her eyes lit up by my statement. 

"And don't say you don't have other talents, 'cause you do. You have the ability to spread kindness and make people feel good about themselves."

Kaycee's POV

Hearing him say that made my heart full. I never thought I'd have an impact on people. I always tried to act out of kindness - it was just in my nature - but I didn't think it actually impacted people.

"But you have that talent too," I whispered. He took a step closer to me, looking me straight in the eyes. 

"You know why I have that talent?" he asked. I shook my head no. "Because of you," he simply stated. I gave him a confused look. 

"You make me wanna be a better person. You make me wanna be happy and kind to everybody," he explained. "It's crazy how much I've grown with you by my side, Kayc. When I look back at old videos, I see this immature, annoying kid. You have definitely taught me maturity and patience." It was weird, yet extremely touching having another person talk about me this way. My eyes turned glossy from tears threatening to escape my eyes, but I stubbornly blinked them away away. I suddenly thought of the fact that he was pouring his heart out; I needed to do the same.

"You have taught me so much as well. I've grown so much more confident with you by my side. Your support means the absolute world to me." He stepped forward to hug me, clearly not used to me speaking my mind like this. I would've never done it with anybody else, but it felt so right with Sean.

"I care about you.. more than you know," I whispered. And in that moment, I knew that he knew. I shyly met his gaze, only to see his head tilted as he was leaning in slowly. I started panicking; what if I did it all wrong? What if my teeth poked his tongue? But then my stream of thoughts were interrupted by his soft lips on mine, and I started to relax. It felt so natural, so good, so right. We broke apart looking at each, both in a state of euphoria. Wow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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