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Rich looked at the blood on his dagger with a disgusted impression on his face before shaking the dagger and flicking the blood off of his blade and walked over the dead bodies being careful not to step on any of the dead bodies towards marlum who was still face first on the ground, rich looked down at Marlum

"What did you do this time?"

Marlum groaned and pushed himself off of the ground and looked at rich

"Jump off of the mountain"

Rich folded his arms

"And why did you do that?"

"Well, vargo did say that I wouldn't die I'd I jumped off of the mountain but it turns out I can still feel the pain"

Rich nodded

"Well, let's get back up to the mountain now, hold my hand"

Rich offered his hand to Marlum who took his hand, rich looked at the top of the mountain near lola and blinked over there

Lola and the others walked back into teh house where vargo and ricardo were looking down at a map probably trying to find where the attack came from and when the three aproached them, ricardo pointed at an area on the coast of a giant piece of land

"They might have come from there and since it is reynar who sent the army, he probably used as aeroplane"

Ricardo said and afterwards vargo nodded, the other three looked confused at the mention of that word

"What is an aeroplane?"

Asked Lola

"It's a modern machine that is used to fly long distances in short amounts of times, I'll show you soon enough"

He said as walked out of the house gesturing at the group to follow him and of course the others followed and jumped off the mountain following ricardo

"What are we gonna do?"

Asked rich

"We are gonna scout the area that Reynar might have sent his soldiers from"

Said ricardo

"Oh ok, how are we gonna get there?"

"Wait a moment"

Said ricardo as he closed his eyes and put two fingers to his head waiting staying still for a few seconds before he raised his other hand up and moved his hand vertical and moved it down quickly, suddenly a black tip opened up in the air and ricardo pushed his hand in the rip before slowly pulling out what looked like three straight pieces of steel and then a whole aeroplane came out of the hole and after ricardo put it down, the hole closed

"What's that?"

Marlum asked?

"It's an aeroplane"

Said ricardo

"Oh ok"

Ricardo then walked to the door of the aeroplane, it wasn't a giant aeroplane, it was the one that is powered by a propeller, ricardo opened up the door and walked inside the aeroplane

"Cone on in"

Said ricardo

The whole group walked in and took seats, while ricardo sat in the pilot's chair

"So, this thing is supposed to fly?"

Asked Lola


Said ricardo

"Now take those steps and buckled them around your body, vargo will show you how to do that"

Said ricardo

Vargo showed the group how to buckle their seat belts and all of them buckled their seat belts

Ricardo pushed the throttle forward and the plane started moving and eventually lifted off of the ground, once they were on a stable height, ricardo said

"You can walk around now and unbuckled your seat belts"

And the group unbuckled their seat belts,  everyone remained seated exempt for one person: Marlum, he was walking around looking put of teh windows, they were above the ocean now, he wasn't really scared but interested about how this thing was flying so he decided to walk up to ricardo

"How is this thing flying?"

Said marlum

"I can't tell you that right now ad it would be too tricky for you to understand, now go back to your seat"

As soon as Marlum sat back down there was a huge amount of shaking on the plane and that is where I will leave it for today lol

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