James Charles Story Part 1

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As we know James Charles is a gay male that has a large internet following with about 16 million subscribers on YouTube. He is an influencer, vlogger, and a model. Well, he was until this incident happened and now he is lost around almost 3 million subscribers.

Most people know what he did but there are still a lot of people who are lost in other people's theories. So what I'm going to do is give as much information I know.

As most of us were informed, Tati Westbrook an influencer, vlogger, and owner of a beauty supplement company helped James Charles get a following. She helped him get brand deals and for companies to notice who he was so he could have a chance of getting some good money with brand deals.

Tati and James had a very close relationship and James said himself "she's like a mom to me". Now there are a couple of things that James did that made Tati want to get rid of James from her life.

One of the reasons was James confusing straight boys into thinking there gay, or make them question there sexuality. He apparently hits on boys at the wrong time and/or even if they're straight. Tati did not approve of this. This part of the story I know that there is probably a lot more then that but that's all I know for now.

The thing that finally pushed over the dominos was James advertising a brand called Sugar Bear Hair. It basically was a pill that help with stronger hair, nails, glowing skin, and getting a better night sleep. Tati has her own brand of these pills called Halo beauty. I believe that Tati felt betrayed when James was advertising another brand instead of Tati. Sugar Bear Hair was Tati's number 1 competitor and she would expect James to support her after all the support she's gave him.

After Tati posted her video on May 10th called "BYE SISTERS" her video went viral with 44 million views and gaining 1.2 million subscribers so far. With that,  she also gained 3 million followers on Instagram. While James on the same day posted a video ("Tati") saying he's sorry and saying he was wrong. This video also went viral with 45 million views but that didn't help the situation he was in all that much. He still had a loss of 3 million subscribers and CoverBoy (a modeling agency) canceled him.

This is one major downfall for James. He had a lot of things planned such as a tour to see and meet his fans all over the country and his makeup palette
that was making tons of profit. Well, I  guess we'll see how he gets back up on his feet or If he even with after this crazy ride.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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