1. The Start of Something New

Start from the beginning

I take a deep breath and walk into my math class. Atomatically all the eyes turn towards me. I hand      Mr. K the note. He reads it then says "I'm very sorry". I see Emma looking at me confused. I just go and get my stuff and walk out of the room. I go to my locker and pack all my things. I go back down to the office and see a Police car parked out front. I walk into the office.

"Miss. Green, this is Officer Grant, he will be showing you where you will live and whats going to happen now." she says giving a warm smile.

* * *

"Now, you will be living alone, we have provided you an apartment to use. I will take you home and give you a few days to pack your things." Officer Grant says. pulling up my neighborhood street. He pulls up my driveway. I open the door and help him carry the empty boxes waiting to be filled with my belongings. He takes out a key and opens the door. It looks the same as it did this morning except a few empty boxes on the ground.

" I will be back tomorrow at six to show you your apartment." he says closing the door behind him.

I go up to my room and decide to pack my clothes first. I put my " I love Pancakes" hoodie in first and then my other clothes. I Turn to walk out of my closet and see all of my posters..... I have to bring those. I take them down and fold them up into the box. Next, I take my pillows and put them in a bigger box than the others. I fold my pillow cases, sheets, comforter, and stuffed animals. I guess i will have to carry my big panda. I start to bubble wrap my antiques and picture frames. I come to one of my mom, dad, and me. My eyes start to water, and soon I'm full out bawling. They were everything to me. I loved them. Now they're gone. I wrap that up safely and put into the box. Ok I think I've got everything besides my furniture that I want to bring. I think I'm just gonna bring my white bed side table, my light aqua blue dresser, and my pink and purple desk. I pack my Pink, aqua blue, purple,white, and black clothes hangers (I'm very organized). Ok, I think I'm done. I walk down the hall and into my parents room. I see their wedding rings on the table where the officer left them. I go into my room and grab the empty box that my ring was in this morning and go back to my mom and dads room. I put the rings in the box and tie the bow back on. Mabye, I would give them to my son (if I have one). Oh my god, my parents won't be here when I get married or have kids. My eyes start to water again and I cry silently. Ok, I need some fresh air. I grab my phone and a pair of earbuds. I go down stairs grab the key to the house and a sweat shirt. I go outside, lock the house up and start to walk. I put my music on shuffle. The first song to play is "Everything has Changed" by Taylor Swift. I find myself singing along with it.

" And all I know is we said hello and your eyes look like coming home

all I know is a simple name

Everything has Changed

all I know is you held the door

you'll be mine and I'll be yours

all I know since yesterday

is Everything has Changed

and all my wal---OOF!" I hit something really hard and fall flat on my butt. What the heck was tha- I look down and see feet. Oh god, I walked into somebody.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Here let me help you." an Irish accent said and reached his hand out to help me up.

I take his hand and then look up to see his face. I know those blue eyes and blond hair. OH MY GOD Its Niall Horan. I can't beleive I just ran into him too!

"Ummm, It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was going either." I said to make things less akward.

"I'm Niall " he said reaching a hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand and said " I'm Kayla".

"Sorry again, for walking into you. By the way you have a lovely voice." he said. I could feel my cheeks reddening.

"Thanks I have been doing vocal classes since I was little." I said and he laughed. Oh my god, I just made the Niall Horan laugh. I would totally be fangirling right now... if it wasn't for my parents....

"Well I should be going, but it was nice talking to you" I say. I do really need to pack more.

" Would you mind you giving me your phone number?" he asks blushing. What!? He wants my phone number? Most guys don't even talk to me, let alone ask for my number.

"Yeah, sure. Its 555-467-124." I try to say without stuttering. I watch him put it in his phone.

"Ok, well... I hope to see you again." he says. And my final words to Niall are

"Me too."

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