"She'll sit with me," I told him, pulling her down on the couch with me. "And she isn't going to talk to or look at you unless I need her to." I narrowed my eyes and looked at her. "You look at me. Keep your eyes on me."

She nodded silently.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, little girl?" He laughed.

"Valerie, as I'm sure you know, is an abusive piece of shit." I ignored his question as I turned to look at him again.

"She ain't never abused me, what the hell would I care for?" He shrugged.

"She hurt her kids, and Dahlia wanted to hurt her to get back at her for all the shit she put them through when they were younger. She just lost her temper a little bit, it happens to the best of us." I sighed. "I'm guessing you don't care all that much, you know, considering you aren't even trying to get her to the hospital even though I think we both know she needs to be in one. I mean, I'm no doctor, but it really looks like she's got a broken arm, there's blood everywhere on her, and it'll be a miracle if she doesn't have a concussion."

"I can't take her to no hospital. They'll throw me in jail. They'll think I did it...We had some past issues." He shrugged again, grunting as he repositioned himself on his seat.

Wow. So a fucking pedo and he hits women? What a fucking amazing guy. I totally get why Valerie left her loving family for this piece of shit.

"Right. I'm not really concerned about you snitching, it's her I'm worried about." I pointed at Valerie and shook my head. "She's gonna run to the police the first chance she gets and I can't have that. I mean, I could definitely bail Dahlia out if she went to jail, but she shouldn't have to go through all that. She'd be all alone and scared in there and I hate to even think about it. Plus, if she ends up in jail because of this, people will find out. People at school,  her dad...We can't have that shit." 

"The woman does what she wants. If you're gonna beg me to beg her to shut the fuck up about this, you're wasting your time. I can't control her unless I've got my dick in her or—"

"Yeah, but I'm sure she won't snitch if she knows I'm more than willing to tell every police officer within a fifty-mile radius everything I know about you and your whole fucked up family, right?" I tilted my head.

"You don't know shit, kid." He grunted.

"I know your whole family is made up of humongous pieces of shit. I know Kai's brother sells drugs. I know you guys do drugs. I know Kai's darling little mother, your precious sister, is a whole prostitute. I know you own illegal guns. I know about your little dog fighting business. I know—"

"You tell her all that shit, you little brat?!" He shouted. Kai looked over at him as he stood up and pushed herself closer to me. "I-I don't know how she knows—"

"Hey, did I ask you to say anything? Did I tell you you could look at him!?" I questioned, grabbing her jaw and forcing her to look at me again. "You look at me. Simple instructions. Follow them."

She nodded.

"You sit the fuck down. She didn't tell me shit. She doesn't know how I know any of that." I rolled my eyes. "And I know a lot more too. But don't worry about it. I'm not gonna tell anybody a single fucking thing, just as long as your bitch doesn't open her big ass mouth either. But see...I kinda feel like Valerie isn't the type of person to give a shit who gets in trouble as long as she doesn't, you know? I don't think she'll care about me telling anyone all that stuff since I guess she isn't really to blame for any of that. She just enables it." I chuckled bitterly. "So, just to make sure she doesn't say anything to anyone about this, I just wanna make it clear right now that I know all about her too. I know, of course, about all the abuse she inflicted on her kids. I know you have a kid. I saw him. Does he live here?"

He stayed silent, but his eyes flickered toward a room down the hall. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I bet she wouldn't want him taken away. I bet she doesn't love him. I bet she treats him just like she used to treat Dahlia, but I bet she'd hate for him to get taken—"

"He's my kid and she's never laid a hand on him." He growled. "And he isn't going anywhere!"

"He is if anyone finds out about all the drugs you keep around him." I grinned. "I know Valerie assaulted Dahlia and her dad way before any of this happened too. I guess you could say they're even, actually. I know a lot more than that too. But I think you get the gist already."

I stretched as I stood up and gestured for Kai to do the same. "It's getting late, so we should be leaving now. Just tell Valerie whenever she wakes up that if she says a word she's dead. Literally and figuratively." I pushed Kai toward the door and smiled at the guy before opening it. "I hope I don't have to come here again. It smells like ass in here."

"Next time I see you, Kai. You're gonna get it." He spat.

I stopped in my tracks and glared at him.

"I already told you she didn't tell me anything. And if I find out you touched her I'll kill you too. Don't try me." I huffed before pushing her out of the house. "Oh, by the way!" I slapped my forehead as I pretended to remember something. "My dad, Patrick? He says hi." I grinned.

"P-Patrick?" He gulped.

"Yep. Have a great night!" I slammed the door closed behind me and rolled my eyes as I let out a small breath. "Well, that was fun."

"How do you know all that stuff?" She questioned.

"My dad. Long story." I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes and wiped angrily at the tears that were suddenly sliding down her face. "He's gonna hurt me next time he sees me, you know? I hope you're happy about that."

"I'm not gonna let him hurt you."

"You're not gonna be around to protect me!" She yelled.

"Oh, shut the fuck up." I ran my fingers through my hair in annoyance. "That guy isn't gonna be able to hurt you while he's in prison for who knows how long. I'm not keeping all that shit to myself. I'm telling the police everything I know."


"Just trust me. For fuck's sake, this is the one thing I'm good at. Threatening people and beating people up and making whatever I want to happen happen. That's my shit. That's what I'm good at. If I say imma do it, imma do it. Just trust me."

"But what if—"

"I'm going to protect you," I told her once again. "Jesus, just get in the fucking car, punk ass. And don't hit any potholes or speed bumps while you're driving this time!"

I smiled largely as I opened the back door. Dahlia got out quickly and I got in before pulling her on my lap again. "See? Didn't even take ten minutes!" I told her. "We came to an understanding and I'm more than sure that you're safe now. You don't have to worry about her saying anything to anybody about any of this. Promise."

"Billie," She sighed tiredly. "I feel bad that I don't even wanna know what you did...It was nothing illegal, right?"

"Nothing illegal." I smiled. "You can rest your pretty little head now."

"I'm trusting you on this." She mumbled before burying her head in the crook of my neck again.

"Good. You should."

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now