new home

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He drags me by the chains down what i can only assume is a corridor.  Ive given up trying to walk, so he has to use extra effort. And Dream said eating all that Konpeitō would do nothing but trouble.

Im thrown into a carpted room, on my back. The carpet leaves nasty marks as i tumble across it.

My captor rumages through something, sounding like a drawer. Sounds like he found what he wanted and throws something at me.

"Put it on"
I hold up my chains. He sighs a roughly undoes them. When i rip the blindfold off im met with the the eyes of Horror.

"Um excuse me what?" I sass

He pulls his axe out, barley missing my throat. I refuse my body to shake and stare into his amused pupils.

"Fine fine!" I say. He lowers the weapon and shoves the clothes at me.

I pick up the cloth, only to find its a dress. Well more of a skirt with corset and black shirt.

I look at it with disgust

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I look at it with disgust. At least its more clothes than this.

I sigh and put on the skirt before taking off the pants so he cant see me. He comes behind me and clips the skirt along with tying the back.

"I coulda done it" i huff

"Your tiny arms cant reach anything"

I growl as he fixes the bow and puts a necklace on me.
He notices my glare

"I didnt call you doll for nothing." 
He spins me around and injects something into my neck. I scream out due to the pain and flap my arms a bit

He laughs and pulls me along, by my hand like a child. I contemplate biting him, but i have no where to go. As he drags me i try to remember something...anything.  i remeber.... Blue texting me to go to Underswap.... and i went. I saw him. And now im here.

Pieces are missing.... but what ones. By the time i try to recall it im shoved into another room, where, luckly, this time i dont fall. But instead stumble a few feet before bumping into someone. I take a step back and look up.....


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