"Doesn't that get... sad?"

"Why would it?"

Louis shifts in his seat, lunch completely forgotten. "If you don't have anyone else, don't you get really lonely?"

"No. I don't need anyone else."

"Everyone needs someone," Louis argues, furrowing his brow.

"Not me."

He seems much too calm about the entire conversation. Louis huffs, and one of Harry's curls falls in his face. He really is quite wonderful to look at, really. "I think you're lying to me and to yourself then, Harry Styles."

"I think that you don't know me at all, Louis Tomlinson."

Louis purses his lips. "So, if you don't need anyone, why did you even bother trying to get to know me? Why did you talk to me in the first place?"

"Because you're attractive and I want to kiss you," Harry says so nonchalantly that Louis almost falls out of his chair. He should be used to this by now. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing is wrong with that, but the feeling is not mutual, mate."

"I understand. I'm not going to force you to kiss me," Harry's mouth says, but his eyes twinkle mischievously and Louis's stomach proceeds to be attacked by a swarm of angry butterflies.

"You don't even know what I'm like."


"I could be a complete asshat," Louis says, and Harry snorts.

"Are you a complete asshat?"


"Exactly." Harry holds out half of a very tempting chocolate chip biscuit to Louis, waving it in front of his face, and Louis can't tell if he's offering it or showing it off. He looks at his own food in disgust. Harry's got a nice salad, crisps, and the other half of said biscuit in front of him. Louis seriously considers asking his mum to buy more groceries, but he knows that's not an option and pushes the thought to the back of his head sadly. "Do you want it, or not?"

Louis no longer hesitates. "Yes, thank you." It tastes like heaven and sweet, temporary hell at the same time. He hasn't tasted anything homemade in what feels like centuries. Harry watches him eat, so Louis opts for using a napkin to get the chocolate off of his hands instead of licking it off. Proper table etiquette is always key, even in the corner of a school cafeteria.

It's quiet between them for a few minutes - minus the sound of Harry chewing and Louis stabbing his food to see how many holes he can make with his fork - and slowly, people stop laughing and talking and notice the pair of them together.

His brain is alert as ever, though his eyes are trained toward the floor. Harry doesn't seem to notice or mind the stares, because he doesn't move even an inch or say anything to Louis. It's becoming awkward, at least on Louis's end, and when he looks back up he immediately regrets him. People are staring at him. He gulps.

"Do you play any instruments?" Harry randomly asks. Louis is semi-grateful for the distraction, but he also doesn't want people to see that they're conversing. He pushes this fear away for Harry's sake. Just for a minute.

"Uh, a bit. The piano. Yeah."

"Really?" Harry's pretty, pretty eyes light up like a Christmas tree. "That's sick. I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument."

"If you don't play anything, why did you ask?" Louis thinks it comes out sounding rude, but Harry doesn't seem to notice. His expression never falters or changes.

Baby Lips [l.s mpreg] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now