Chapter One: Captured

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"Ah, damn it!" Hazel stretched herself on her office chair. She pulled her shoulders closer towards her ears like an exaggerated shrug. She tilted her head to her left, then to her right to revive her dead and stiff muscles after hours of typing.

She glanced at the clock; 2100. She glanced again across the room; vacant.

She had again finished going through the reports of the strange disappearance of professional people which included Dr Kurosaki Rin, her best friend. She had been going through on and on these reports every single night before she leaves the station ever since her friend's disappearance two years ago.

Hazel was assigned to take charge of this case ever since the first case was reported five years ago. The latest disappearance was three months ago, Vincent Choi, a famous music composer who was last scene attending a music award ceremony.

She sighed in despair as she had lost all the ideas of how to find these missing victims. She laid back on her office chair, closed her eyes to rest awhile before heading home.

A vibration came from her phone on her table.

The brown hair lady officer picked up her phone.

*You have a new message*

The sender was unknown, however, without any suspicion, she double tapped the screen, entered her pin *7-3-2-4* and opened the message.

It was a voice recording. She tapped on the play button, placed the phone towards her right ear, and listened.

"Hi! Hi! Congratulations!!! You had won a grand prize..." it was a very cheerful animated girl voice. "...Are you looking for Kitty Choo, Kurosaki Rin, Steven Axelton, Vincent Choi and others? Ha-ha-ha" a sinister laugh was played.

Hazel sat up and became attentive as she heard the audio message mentioning the names of those who had vanish without traces. Without further ado, instead of typing; she pressed the audio call button on the messenger app to contact this anonymous caller.

"Good evening, Detective Hazel. We know you would've call us," a well-mannered male voice answered the phone.

"Who are you? How do you know those names?" Hazel questioned.

"I am Vincent Choi, and the cute voice you just heard in the message recording was Kitty," Hazel was confused.

"Wait, what? Where are you? We've been searching for you." 

"We have been waiting for you, detective. Don't you worry, we had found you. We ... are here to save you. We are watching you." Hazel panickedly stood up and look around the office to check if someone's around her.

"We would like to invite you to join us, Hazel Kong Xiao Wei." Then, voices of few males and females were heard through the phone chanting some weird words "... smotnahp ... sluos ... stirips ... tsohg ... htaed ... smotnahp ..." It was an incantation of spell. They repeatedly echoed the five words again and again. 

Not long after the first two strings of chanting, Hazel began to feel her head getting heavier as the incantation echoed, even though she dropped her phone onto the ground, she could still hear the words echoing inside her mind. Soon, her vision began to fade, head getting dizzier, her body grew weaker and weaker.

She walked towards the exit, but just three to four steps, she couldn't even stand or not to mention walk. She grasped on the cubicles, partitions, tables around her to move further. However, she was too dizzy, and fell to the ground not long after. She tried her best to gather her last pile of energy to call for help, unfortunately she failed; went unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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